4 Relaxation Techniques For Better Sleep

4 relaxation techniques for better sleep

Stress and anxiety are often the workhorses that gallop triumphantly during our sleepless nights. To control them, calm the rumor of our mind and the tension of our body, nothing like using relaxation techniques to sleep better. They are simple, effective, and worth putting into practice every night before going to bed.

Sleep hygiene experts warn that we are getting a little less sleep each time. Some say that the origin of this problem corresponds to the coming of the industrial revolution. Others claim that this phenomenon results from the appearance of electronic devices and the Internet. However, different research tells us that the biggest sleep thief is work. The pressure to be productive, complex work relationships, and worrying about keeping that job are a dent in our sleep.

We cannot ignore therefore that  any alteration in this circadian sleep rhythm leads to a cascade of problems. Our memory, attention, ability to learn, and even our mood are affected by poor rest.

In addition, an article published in the journal “Psychology Today” warns us that we are already a society accustomed to sleeping less and less. Besides, we don’t even realize how tired we are …

We should think about it …

relaxation techniques for better sleep

Relaxation techniques for better sleep

If we are in debt to our nighttime rest, nothing better than using relaxation techniques to sleep better. These fundamental strategies of breathing, meditation and progressive relaxation have been shown to be effective in achieving quality sleep. It is important to highlight some key aspects that are essential for improving nighttime rest.

  • Circadian regulation “exists” in every cell of the body. Our liver, kidneys, brain, lymphatic system, and even our skin are programmed to perform important tasks at night and while we sleep. Therefore, as much as possible we should respect the light / dark cycles and sleep in those hours when the light is less.
  • Dinners should be light.
  • It is advisable to do without electronic devices two hours before bedtime. They are very stimulating.
  • The temperature in our room must be between 15º and 22º. Colder or warmer, our sleep will be affected.
relaxation techniques for better sleep

1. The Chi Kung technique   for better sleep

The practice of  Chi Kung  has its origins in traditional Chinese medicine. For those who do not know, it is interesting to know that this discipline orients its purpose to maintain health through the balance of the mind, breathing and physical exercise. Among his exercises, we can find many techniques to sleep better. Here is one of them.

  • We will sit cross-legged on the bed and barefoot.
  • We will empty our minds. We will free ourselves from all our thoughts to focus on the breath.
  • We breathe in a little air through our nose, then breathe out through the mouth. We will repeat this process four times.
  • We will then massage the sole of one foot with one finger. Circularly, clockwise for 3 minutes. We will repeat this afterwards with the other foot.

2. Exercise based on autogenic training

This technique is very effective for the treatment of anxiety disorders and psychosomatic disorders. Autogenic training was developed in the last century by the specialist in neurology and hypnosis Johannes H. Schultz. It is mainly based on focusing our attention on physical sensations and then bringing them into a state of deep relationship.

Let’s see an example.

relaxation techniques for better sleep
  • We are going to lie down on the bed. We need to feel comfortable.
  • We will close our eyes and focus on our left arm. We are going to mentally repeat to ourselves  “my left arm weighs me down, it weighs a lot and I feel it hot”.
  • We will repeat this phrase five times until we physically perceive this weight, this heat.
  • Once we feel  it we will be like “now I feel relaxed, now I am completely calm”.
  • Then we take a deep breath and raise this arm feeling its lightness, its relaxation.
  • We will then continue with another part of our body.

3. Guided picture with music

Another of the best-known relaxation techniques for better sleep is undoubtedly the guided picture. This strategy is useful both for promoting relaxation and for treating physical pain because it is based on the idea that the mind and body are connected. This union, this bond of power is something that we can use to our advantage on a daily basis.

This example may be useful to us.

  • We are going to sit on the bed, in a comfortable, calm, relaxed way.
  • We can make use of this relaxing music that we love so much: environmental sounds, relaxed melodies…
  • We will then put an image in our mind. A peaceful scene full of soft, enveloping and relaxing stimuli. It can be a house by a lake, a forest, an island, a meadow at sunset …
  • All our senses must be receptive to these stimuli : we will feel the freshness of the breeze, the smell of the forest, the sound of trees swaying in the wind, the evening sun on our skin …
relaxation techniques for better sleep

4. Slow, deep and conscious breathing

All relaxation techniques for better sleep involve controlling breathing. Breathing well, breathing adequately, generates incredible benefits in our body. So learning to practice diaphragmatic breathing can be of great help.

The goal of this exercise is to bring as much air as possible to the lower part of the lungs. We thus improve the absorption of oxygen, our lungs will benefit from it and we promote a state of total relaxation in our body.

  • We will start by inhaling deeply for 4 seconds directing this air towards the abdomen.
  • We will then hold our breath for 7 seconds.
  • Then we  breathe out deeply through our mouth for eight seconds.

To conclude: once exposed these relaxation techniques for better sleep, it is necessary to choose the one or those which are best suited to us. The ideal is to make them our own, to integrate them into our nightly routine, just half an hour before going to bed. We will notice, week after week, their wonderful effects.

The balloon technique for children, or how to promote their relaxation in a fun way
Our thoughts Our thoughts

If your child is over seven years old and has trouble controlling his emotions, try the ball technique: it will surely help him to control himself better …

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