5 Awesome Quotes From Aristotle

5 awesome quotes from Aristotle

Today we’re going to take a look at some great quotes from Aristotle. This man was and remains one of the most important philosophers in the history of human civilization. So why not take advantage of small doses of his wisdom and his way of seeing the world?

How could a civilization emerge 3000 years ago that would eventually unveil some of the most brilliant minds in history? We are referring here to thinkers such as Aristotle himself as well as his masters and predecessors, Plato and Socrates. It is curious to see how much the thoughts which have arisen from the civilizations of the Earth evolve and regress.

Aristotle, as we have said, was the pupil of great minds like those of Plato or Eudoxus. Then he was in turn the master of other famous characters such as the famous Alexandre Magno. Thus,  his philosophy made it possible to bring out 5 sentences which, 2000 years later, have not lost an ounce of value  for today’s society.

Aristotle’s brilliant phrases

The ignorant affirms, the wise doubt and reflect

Even today, we hear many ignorant people who believe that the one who shouts or who shows more security when he speaks knows more than the others. However,  while some devote themselves to profiting from what they think they know, others doubt, reflect and research.

We could almost see this sentence as some kind of announcement of the scientific method that would be born a little later. Don’t say anything until you are sure what you are saying is true. It is for this reason that it is often said that the ignorant speak more than those who really know.

I consider the one who conquers his desires more courageous than the one who conquers his enemies because the hardest victory is the victory over oneself.

It is curious to see that human beings know each other so little while they represent a rather spiritual species. Sometimes it seems like we refuse to look inside for fear of what we might find. We look at our image in the mirror, but find it hard to spend a few minutes looking at what is behind the curtains.

We all have parts of us that are difficult to accept. To do so is what Aristotle calls “victory over oneself”. A task that is a priori long and complex but which turns into a need if we want to enjoy this feeling of well-being arising from our internal balance and the image we project.

Intelligence is not only knowledge but also the ability to put them into practice

Once again, we see Aristotle uttering sentences very similar to those which will be taken up later in the scientific method. We can know a lot of things, but what good is it if there is no empirical demonstration and practical demonstration?

Aristotle’s sentence thus takes up many of the complaints of students in current schools. The latter often wonder what is the point of what they are learning and they seldom find a teacher able to give them an answer or to explain to them how they can descend from this abstract world of letters and numbers to fall back into the world. real world. Let’s not forget that a practical explanation can be one of the biggest motivations for someone to learn.

Some believe that to be friends you just need to want it, as if you just need to want to be healthy to be really healthy.

Is this one of Aristotle’s most complex sentences? Isn’t wishing for a friendship enough to really live it? Undoubtedly, the two people involved play a key role. Either way, willpower should be the first step in forging a friendship.

The Greek sage is perhaps  referring to the need to see the relationship of friendship arise from the depths of our being. That is to say almost on a spiritual level, or almost without it. Ultimately, our ancestors fervently believed in the power of the human soul, even though Aristotle was one of the most pragmatic philosophers of the ancient world.

Happiness exists only where there is virtue and serious effort, for life is not a game

This is without a doubt one of Aristotle’s most meaningful sentences. Without effort, we cannot go very far. For the Greeks, being virtuous is a serious and necessary subject. In fact, they considered, for example, that only the most virtuous and just should rule the people.

This sentence is still valid today. It is true that your efforts may not allow you to achieve your goals, but it is also virtually certain that if you do not, you will get nothing at all. Thus,  a virtuous, wise, understanding and empathetic attitude will lead you on much more pleasant paths.

These brilliant phrases from Aristotle should invite us to reflect. This is a unique opportunity to learn from this great genius and reflect on these words to try and improve ourselves as people, as societies and as a species.

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