5 Films That Appeal To Emotions To Talk About Values ​​

5 films that appeal to emotions to talk about values

Films are an inexhaustible source of inspiration, both for cinema lovers and for those who do not frequent cinemas.

Spanish philosopher José Ortega y Gasset said: “Tell me what your interests are and I will tell you who you are.”

It is true that the values ​​that we see, that we feel, that we feel and that we apply say a lot about us.

A fan of films which appeal to the noblest values ​​will know, even if he does not experience it for himself, but through the characters, the emotions that arise when we defend these values.

He will understand that any relation or price will taste different through the filter they constitute.

On the other hand, there is a kind of reconciliation when we recognize a part of us on the big screen.

When we feel that fiction, fortunately, has a great deal of reality and that there are people, beyond scripts and cameras, who are worthy of being called heroes.

Once we have defined the noble values, there are of course a great number of films which share this way of seeing the world.

It is a cinema which is based on a few principles of personal realization through dedication to the loved one.

Billy Elliot

Let’s start our list of films that exploit noble values ​​with a look at  Stephen Daldry’s Billy Elliot .

In this case,  the film tells the story of a child living in an underprivileged neighborhood in the North East of England who dreams of becoming a great dancer.


Beyond the dreamy and creative attitude of the boy, ready to do anything to fulfill his dream, we will highlight the behavior of his father, Jackie Elliot, masterfully interpreted by Gary Lewis.

A minor without much education who is able to go beyond his own ideology to ensure that his son maximizes his potential.

The character is not able to understand his own son, just like his passion for dancing in a totally hostile environment.

However, he accepts it and does everything in his power to make the young man realize his dream.

Charlie and the chocolate factory

Here’s another brilliant film that appeals to noble values:  Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, by Tim Burton.

Hidden in the midst of a stunning staging and sly humor, we have here a truly touching and beautiful story.


What could be nicer than seeing a modest family spend everything they own so that their child can discover Willy Wonka’s famous chocolate factory?

Everyone in the family, whether parents or grandparents, bet whatever they have left to make their kind, hardworking and grateful boy happy.

The tongue of butterflies

A few years ago, the formidable director José Luis Cuerda adapted the talented writer Manuel Rivas in a wonderful film that touched a large number of cinema lovers,  The Tongue of Butterflies .

This film tells the story of an old teacher, Fernando Fernán Gómez, an advocate for education, who gives everything he has to the joy of his young students.

Until the last moment of his misunderstood life, even when he knows that all is over, he remains true to his principles and tender towards children, even if his message of kindness and solidarity fails to reach the mind of a child.  only one of them.


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