5 Keys To Be More Creative

5 keys to be more creative

The great painter Vincent Van Gogh said that “if you listen to a voice within you that says ‘you cannot paint’, then paint what comes to you and the voice will be silent”. Unfortunately, the older we get, the quieter we make that voice. But we can avoid that by following these keys to be more creative.

Many people confuse creativity with the ability to express ourselves artistically. However, creative thinking is much more complex, complete, and positive than just painting or architecture, to evoke a pair of common arts.

What is creativity

According to the academy, creativity is the ability to produce something from scratch. It is also defined as the foundation or establishment of something for the first time. Likewise, we can refer to it by referring to bringing something to life or giving birth to something figuratively.

definition of creativity

However, this definition can be somewhat limited compared to our understanding of creativity. Creative thinking is capable of finding different solutions to any kind of problem.

A lot of people don’t think they are creative. They think they can’t contribute ideas that could transform the world. But it is obvious that it is not just a gift, it is a capacity that must be trained, can be improved and strengthened.

Keys to be more creative

To fully understand the keys to creativity and know that it is a skill we can all have, your best bet is to talk to the experts. In this article, we are going to hear from two people who have demonstrated that this ability is a great weapon. They are Juliana Garcia and German Ferruncho, from the famous advertising agency Ogilvy & Mather. What do they offer to avoid the fear of creating?

Understanding creativity

To understand creativity, they explain it through an example, a fantastic way to understand it. To do this, they compare it to an electric current. If we have current, we have light, otherwise no. With creativity, the same thing happens. If it exists, everything flows and everything evolves, otherwise everything remains as it is.

Imagine if one day a human being hadn’t thought of using a wheel for easy transportation. Can you imagine what the world would be like without this invention? This is real creativity.

Creativity has no exclusivity

Another key comes from exclusivity. As we mentioned earlier, creativity doesn’t just apply to artists. Even in domestic chores we can find formulas to make our life easier, to make them more comfortable, brief or entertaining if we are creative.

A very simple example provided by our creatives in this article features a morning salute. Can you imagine the consequences if you change it every morning? Without doubt, such a simple gesture can allow you to change the whole of your day.

It happens with everything you do. If you change your hairstyle, people will look at you differently. If you choose clothes that appeal to you, the same will happen. In fact, just changing your daily routine will make you more creative. It’s that simple.

Let your ideas flow

The brainstorming, otherwise known as Brainstorming, is a fundamental tool for creative people. Let your thoughts flow and convert them into ideas. It’s a spectacular way to find inspiring spaces.

be more creative and let your ideas flow

Creativity trains

Obviously, some people are born more creative than others in the same way that some are endowed with more intellectual capacities or have better mathematical or spatial reasoning. But that doesn’t mean that we can’t train or improve our artistic, scientific, etc. skills.

You have to think of the imagination as a muscle requiring a gym on a daily basis. If we break out of the usual and routine patterns, our whole world will become more entertaining and become a more inspiring space.

Avoid preestablished installed thoughts

Usually, we grow and develop in a specific cultural environment. Traditions, religion, customs, ideology… All of this can push us to conform and prevent us from stepping out of our comfort zone.

If we think of our world as a rigid structure, we will hardly think creatively. We must be careful with the thoughts that “grab” us excessively since they prevent us from leaving the repetitive comfort of patterns.

You shouldn’t say you can’t. If you don’t try, you certainly won’t be able to. With these keys to being more creative, we can all find new ways of thinking that will serve us to find solutions to any problem that, until today, was not imagined to be valid. Try !


In search of creativity
Our thoughts Our thoughts

Creativity is not a mystery, nor is it “a riddle shrouded in a riddle”, as Winston Churchill said. It is even less a gift …

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