5 Keys To Detect Cyberstalking

5 keys to detecting cyberstalking

Many measures have been proposed to be able to prevent and combat harassment at different levels, in particular school harassment and harassment at work. Traditionally, this bullying has been carried out in a face-to-face manner through insults, vexations or physical attacks; however, today, with new technologies, it has taken a big step forward.

The digital world is part of our daily life. We enter social networks, we share bits of our life there and we enter the reality of others. But this can be a double-edged sword. What if I was harassed on the Internet? To be sure, read on and learn how to spot cyberstalking.

Detecting cyberstalking starts with being aware of its different forms

If we think of harassment through the Internet, we imagine situations in which we are insulted or threatened through instant messaging or social media applications. But not only. To detect cyberstalking, we have to tell ourselves that we can suffer from it in different ways. This is the first key.

We are also harassed if we have usurped our identity on a social network or an application and if we send messages to other people under our name or image. Likewise,  we suffer from cyberstalking if personal photos are offensively edited and / or if we are labeled insultingly. 

On the other hand,  cyberstalking also occurs if our picture is taken or if we are registered without our consent, by posting this  on any site. Ultimately, when someone uses a technological means to act in a way that offends or is unpleasant to us, we are being harassed.

person in front of their computer

Evaluating a situation, talking about it and gathering information, this is what is fundamental to detecting cyberstalking

Once we know the harassment situations in the virtual world,  what should we do if we see that we are in a similar situation? Here is the second key point: analyze and evaluate what happened. At this point, we will need to think about how it affects us what is happening, whether on a social level or on a personal level.

We can find ourselves in several situations. At first, it can really be a joke between friends, without much importance, which does not affect us. And, on the contrary,  it can be a situation in which we feel offended, vulnerable and hurt. In this case, we will come to the third key point: to talk about it.

If you are a minor, the best thing to do is to talk to your parents and / or teachers. They can help you find solutions to this situation. But you don’t necessarily have to talk only with them,  you can also confide in friends or comrades who can give you a hand when it comes to knowing exactly what is going on,  in addition to understanding you and you. to support.

Thanks to this, we will be able to put in place the fourth key point: to gather information on this subject  (without separating ourselves from it, even if it is unpleasant). For that, we will try to find out what happened: how, when and for how long it took place; Who are the people involved and why are they doing it? List the triggers for the situation as well.

person with a cellphone

When we detect cyberstalking, we must try to solve it

To suffer from this harassment is unfair and painful. Therefore, we will try to end it. So we come to the last key point: looking for solutions and putting them in place. As we said earlier, this is a complex situation and so you should not be afraid or ashamed when asking for help.

To be able to do this, we will need to analyze the information we have collected. We must therefore  assess whether we can speak directly with the person (s) involved to try to resolve the situation. Again, we don’t have to do this alone! That way we will have the answers we need and have more strength to end this situation.

If we cannot find a solution to what is happening, we will have to resort to other means. As a first step,  we will have to speak about it to a higher authority (to a teacher if you are in a school environment or to a boss if you are in a professional environment) so that it intervenes in this matter…  Remember, detect cyberstalking is the first step in dealing with it!


Images by Jay Wennington, Sergey Zolkin and Gilles Lambert


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