5 Questions To Be Happier

Do you often wonder what steps you could take to be happier?
5 questions to be happier

When we talk about the questions to be happier, we are referring to those questions that put us in front of the essential things of life. Because that’s what happiness is made of: realities and universes that allow us to be at peace and in harmony with ourselves.

The problem is, we easily lose sight of what provides us with genuine happiness. It is therefore good that we ask ourselves the questions to be happier at the end of each day. It is a good way to become aware of what gives meaning to our existence.

The questions to be happier are actually very simple. These little questions send us back to all the wonderful things in our life. To all these daily situations which generally go unnoticed but contain the secret of good living. Here are five.

1. What experience during the day made you feel satisfied?

Unfortunately, we human beings tend to write the good times on sand and the bad times on stone. A bad time can ruin the day, even if the positive situations have outnumbered them. We react this way instinctively because our survival also depends on our attention to threats.

However, in the evening, if you calmly ask yourself what has been your best experience of the day, you will surely be able to find something very precious. Without realizing it, you will begin to take an inventory of happy experiences, to varying degrees, and this will help you to enjoy your life better.

how to be happier?

2. Have you received affection from others?

Whether the answer to this question is positive or negative, it is a rewarding question. It helps you to orient your emotional world and to know where you are. It is an extremely precious thing.

This question also prompts you to think about those affectionate gestures that you don’t always notice. The smile of the person who served you coffee, a kind word from a colleague… No expression of affection is too small. The positive stimuli that we receive from others are one of  those moments that are worth keeping well buried in our memories.

3. Is there something that made you feel lucky?

This is one of the questions to be happier that serve as a guide. If we ask ourselves it every day, we will be surprised at the amount of answers we will find. The first is: we are lucky to be alive. Today, at this precise moment, some people are not so fortunate.

We are also lucky to be healthy, to have certain abilities, to work, to be able to spend time with the people we love. Some days also bring us bonuses, such as good news, a particularly special moment, etc.

4. What did you manage to do, even if it was a small thing?

Not paying attention to our successes is unforgivable. We are doing ourselves an injustice when we do this. Any triumph, no matter how small, deserves our recognition. It is a way of giving concrete value to what we do on a daily basis.

We all hit at least one goal a day, and it doesn’t matter how big or small it is. The range can be very wide: it can be overcoming a moment of laziness or completing a task that we had to complete. Why do we act as if those little daily goals don’t matter? We have become used to noticing great successes and this is a very bad habit. Changing it will help us be happier.

the importance of being happier

5. Did you do something for someone?

This question of being happier takes us back to how we make other people happy too. Doing something good for someone will always be a source of happiness. We do not have to change people’s lives but to enrich them, even if only in small ways.

Every day that we do something for a person is not a day wasted. Planting this seed of solidarity on a daily basis is extremely precious, whether for others or for ourselves. Sooner or later we will reap what we have sown.

Questions to be happier are a gift that we can give ourselves on a daily basis. At first, you will probably find this a little strange. However, the results of this analytical exercise are worth it. You will be surprised at how much you have overlooked so far.


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