7 Beliefs That Limit Personal Growth

7 beliefs that limit personal growth

There is a popular saying that we hear all the time, it says “it’s all in the head”. While this is the truth, it seems that we are losing sight of the great truth that lies within it: thoughts rule our lives, for good and for evil. In fact, many beliefs limit personal growth and we eventually come to accept them.

There is an example that shows this very clearly. Suppose someone blindly believes in a lucky charm. When one day he loses it, he feels that from there everything is bad. Does this mean that a necklace or a bracelet, for example, has the power to determine life? If we think about it on a rational level, the answer would be no, but those who believe in it wouldn’t doubt it for a second.

Seen from the outside, it is clearly seen that these types of beliefs limit personal growth. But for those with those kinds of beliefs this is not the case. Also, there are many people who do not believe in this necklace but in ideas that have the same effect as the lucky charm. Here are the 7 cases.

1. Lack or deficiency, one of the beliefs that limit personal growth

This is one of the beliefs that limit personal growth because it bases everything on something that is not. This belief is typical of people who personally tell themselves that they are not sufficiently beautiful or smart or rich, or some other thought. These people think that this deficiency is what prevents their happiness.

This is a clearly mistaken belief. It performs the function of diverting attention from the real problem: not accepting yourself as you are. In fact, having something in excess doesn’t guarantee happiness for anyone. In addition, every human being has certain attributes and lacks certain others.

road surrounded by clouds

2. Thinking it’s better not to feel

Experiencing strong suffering always leaves marks. On the other hand, these marks become a real stigma for some people. The only thing they want is to stop suffering and not to experience pain either. Their desire is so strong that they end up making a drastic decision: “Stop feeling”.

Of course, this is impossible. What takes place, however, is that they inhibit their feelings to such a high point, that it is as if they are not experiencing them. On the other hand, it also robs them of many wonderful experiences and prevents them from learning to face the sufferings that sooner or later will appear in their life.

3. Assume that being better than others makes you happy

In this case, the others are just points of reference for the person in question. A way to measure our ego. If we exceed them, we will feel satisfied. If we don’t, we will experience frustration and irritation.

This is one of the beliefs that limits personal growth as it leads us to view our relationship with others as competition. No one is better or worse than another. A person can just act more or less adequately, that is one of the specific circumstances.

portrait of a woman in the clouds

4. Believe that our life is more difficult than that of others

This belief is also known as “victimization”. It is an illusory belief that leads to believe that we are always in a worse situation than others and that we are the only ones who suffer so much or have so many problems.

It is a self-centered belief that claims to justify our suffering or frustration. In fact, in any person’s life there are facts and pains. Measuring the intensity they have in each individual is absolutely impossible.

5. Thinking that by obtaining something, we will achieve happiness

Happiness is above all an integral attitude and feeling. It does not depend on an object or a fact. Happiness involves having built a good level of harmony in life and also having developed humility, optimism and hope.

We are not more or less happy for something external. This is again a type of belief that limits personal growth. We will not feel more achieved, in a stable way, with a new car or a new partner. Either happiness is in our hearts, or it is not found anywhere.

moon in one hand

6. Convince yourself that life is all suffering

It is often said that you cannot choose whether or not to have problems. What we can choose, however, is whether or not to suffer because of our problems. Some see difficulty as a real challenge, an opportunity to force oneself to be better. Others, on the other hand, think that it is something totally negative.

In the latter case, beliefs that limit personal growth can then develop: assuming that suffering for everything is normal, that there is no choice, that in reality it is only an ocean of tears. and that we come out of one pain to enter into another. People in this case even end up thinking that the good is only an omen of the bad.

7. Believe that something or someone explains our pain

In life, there are those who choose to explain their frustrations or limitations by hiding behind an external factor. They think that if it wasn’t for their parents, or for unemployment or for injustice in the world, they would be totally happy. In short, they are blaming something on the outside for what they are feeling inside. This is wrong. Human beings have the capacity to overcome obstacles, whenever they arise.

As we see, all of those beliefs that limit personal growth creep into life imperceptibly. Without realizing it we convert them into a sort of recipe that allows us to interpret everything. Finally, they only allow us to hide and prevent us from seeing the full amplitude of the panorama that we have in front of and on each side.


3 common beliefs that block us
Our thoughts Our thoughts

Every human being always follows, consciously or unconsciously, a set of beliefs which can sometimes be difficult to eradicate.

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