7 Professions That Will Be Successful In 5 Years

The professions that will be successful in a short time are those that make the most of technological advances and help solve the problems that these same advances create in individual and social life.
7 professions that will be successful in 5 years

The world is changing at a breakneck pace and what is in effect today may become obsolete in a matter of weeks. This applies to fashions or secondary aspects, but also to very serious subjects such as work. Your best bet is to have a futuristic outlook in everything  and for that it is worth looking at some of the professions that will be successful in no time.

All mechanical or routine jobs will disappear in the short, medium and long term. In other words, all these activities where man can be replaced by a machine are doomed to die out. The professions that will be successful are those that will be linked to meeting the new needs and problems in the world.

Many of the professions that will be successful in the short term have to do with technology. However,  other traditional jobs will also gain in importance  because they will imply a response to new lifestyles and new priorities. We are now going to tell you about these professions and jobs.

Among the professions that will be successful are application developers.

1. Application developer

To a certain extent, all activities will migrate more and more quickly to the virtual world. Applications are required to be increasingly simple and secure, in addition to being adaptable and functional on different devices.

An application developer will have a lot of work to do in the years to come. They must be professionals who know how to adapt very well because change will be the new constant. This work will be carried out by software engineers, by those studying computer engineering, systems engineering or by those undergoing professional training in application development.

2. Drone pilot, one of the professions that will be successful in 5 years

One of the professions that will be successful in the next few years is that of drone pilot. It will not take long for all courier services to go through this medium, and in a few years we will surely start to see passengers transported by this medium.

Drones taxis and Volocopters are quickly emerging and becoming more and more numerous. Therefore, a person who knows about drones will be quickly called upon, in the short and medium term. This is valid for pilots, but also for mechanics, experts in navigation systems, etc.

3. Food engineer

It is very likely that within a few years we will see great developments in food technology. The conditions of the planet, with climate change, the desertification of some areas and the increase in population – among others – will put the subject of food in the crosshairs of many people.

An agro-food engineer will be fundamental in the coming years. This professional will be able to produce and preserve food, aspects which  will have more and more applications of genetics in their production.

4. Social worker, one of the professions that will be successful in 5 years

Social services will be increasingly valued precisely because technology threatens to increase unemployment. If the system continues to function as it does today,  the social divide and concentration of ownership will become more evident.

This will make the work of social workers indispensable. The aim will be to reduce and manage the tensions caused by society. They will likely be present at all levels of government and increasingly in the private sector.

5. Physiotherapist

Physiotherapy is a traditional profession that is growing steadily and will likely continue to do so for a long time to come. One of the explanations for this growth is the phenomenon of generalized aging of the population. Very soon there will be a large proportion of older people in the world.

Likewise,  jobs are becoming more and more sedentary  and this gives rise to a multitude of muscle, bone and circulatory problems. We will therefore consult these professionals even more and they will surely be present in everyone’s daily life.

Physiotherapists are one of the professions that will be successful in 5 years.

6. Creator of video games, one of the professions that will be successful in 5 years

It is obvious that video games are not going to go away. They have grown enormously in recent decades and this trend will continue for a very long time. Creating increasingly realistic fictions for entertainment purposes takes a long time.

It is very likely that video games will be integrated more and more in the educational field  and, in a few years, they will surely constitute a tool of daily use in schools. One of the professions that will be successful in the coming decades is that of video game creator.

7. Industrial engineer

Another of the professions which already has a long tradition and a secure future is that of industrial engineer. Technology and its applications promote new ways of producing, working and distributing. In order for all of this to be done properly, you need industrial engineers.

Automation of production requires professionals in this field. Those who specialize in fields such as nanosciences or robotics, two fields which will dominate the future, will also have better possibilities.

Obviously, this list is missing many other professions that will be successful in the future. There is no doubt that there is also a lack of jobs that have not even been born yet and that will arise along with future progress. The most important thing here is to become aware of these changes in the professional world, of these aspects which, undoubtedly, will mark our future.


Letter to my future me
Our thoughts Our thoughts

I am writing this letter to my future self because I am experiencing sensations that I would not want to forget over the years.

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