7 Quotes From Oscar Wilde That Will Inspire You

7 Oscar Wilde quotes that will inspire you

Oscar Wilde is characterized by biting humor. He was convinced that people weren’t listening. He said he was late to a party one day and told the host, as an apology, that he “must have bury his aunt he had just killed”. The host of the party replied: “It does not matter, the important thing is that you have come”. 

Oscar Wilde was the son of a writer and a surgeon, and he rose to fame for his plays, including The Importance of Being Steadfast , and the only novel he wrote, The Portrait of Dorian Gray. . He is also known for the phrases he said, which illustrated his way of thinking. We are going to cite a few here.

Live life to the fullest

In Oscar Wilde’s day there were distractions, but today they have multiplied. It is not uncommon to come across someone walking down the street glued to their phone screen, as if they were a zombie who neither looked nor saw anything around them. We are not able to look up and observe life.

Life cannot be written or seen on a computer or telephone screen. Life is what we touch, what we feel, what we feel when we see the real world.

The importance of knowing how to make mistakes

Throughout our lives we make a lot of mistakes and it is precisely from these mistakes that we must learn what should not happen again. These lessons that life gives us are what we call experience.


The real strength of any person lies in learning from every experience, whether positive or negative. Get up every time life makes us fall and do it with dreams of the future in your head, rejecting the idea that the past would be the best premonitor of what is yet to come …

The rules of writing according to Oscar Wilde

Oscar Wilde wrote a multitude of theatrical works, stories, poems and finally he found that the important thing is to have something to say and just say it. Many writers have thought of countless rules for writing, and others have followed them or, in turn, invented their own rules.

In reality, when writing or stumbling in life, only two things are important: having an idea and putting it into practice. We can read rules, follow them, apply them, but the main thing is to encourage creativity, the generation of own ideas and the implementation of each one of them. Dreams are beautiful, but having the courage to make them come true is essential.

Love the most important person in your life

Self-esteem, loving yourself, is the basis of healthy living. It is obvious that the opinions of others affect us and that we say negative things to ourselves. It is important to set a limit and reflect on all the beautiful things in our life.

Stop for a moment and think about what you say to yourself each day. Change those “I can’t” to “I will”. Willpower is the first step in being able to do what you want. Don’t allow your mind to say negative things to you, don’t put up barriers to your own existence.

Celebrate the success of your friends

We live in a society where envy for the success of others prevails. Many people act falsely and say that they are glad that others are doing well but are not able to accept success and be happy for someone else, because inside they are gnawed by envy. .

Oscar Wilde was a character of his time. He was born into a fairly wealthy family and lived a comfortable life. But at one point in his life he made a mistake and was jailed for two years. When he got out of prison, he moved to Paris, changed his name and died at the age of 46 in utter misery.

Learn to sincerely celebrate the success of your friends. The sensitivity that this honesty demands is necessary in order to have healthy and lasting relationships with other people. Look for people who celebrate your successes and sincerely celebrate them with you.

Take action now!

We spend a lot of time dreaming, thinking about what we want to do, and everyday tasks absorb us. Thus, we lose our enthusiasm and we move further and further away from our dreams. We don’t do anything to reach them, to get out of our comfort zone and take risks.

Oscar Wilde has been a dreamer, but that’s not enough to get your hands dirty. Find out what excites you and make it something important in your life. We are only going to live once and time is limited so get started with your passion and make the most of it. Every minute, every beat.

Follow your heart and splurge

In life, you have to splurge, you have to follow your heart and your intuition. Your heart already knows what you want, and even if your mind refuses it, listen to its beating. Remember that people who have achieved great things in human history were considered foolish in their day.


If you want to take a trip, do it. If you want to kiss someone you are attracted to, then do so. If you don’t like your job, quit and look for another one. If you want to paint pictures, buy yourself a canvas and some paint, and paint. This is your life, no one will live it for you and no one will ever give it back to you for you to relive it.

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