9 Secrets To Be More Optimistic

9 secrets to be more optimistic

“We must appeal to selective memory to keep in mind only our good memories, logical prudence not to ruin the present, and heightened optimism to face the future.”

(Isabel Allende)

Optimism is the secret to setting and achieving new goals. It also allows us to adapt to changes in our life, our worries, and stress.

The main characteristic of optimism is that it gives us the confidence to find real solutions to the problems we face.

It is an essential element if you want to be happy, and that is why in this article we are going to give you some tips to maintain a good dose of optimism in your everyday life.

Each day, take a moment to ask yourself a question: What would your ideal life be like?

Take a few minutes to do it, but don’t forget any details: are you enjoying life enough? How do you feel ? What do you do ? Where do you live ? Who is by your side? 30 seconds may be enough.

This exercise will help you take another look at yourself, and see new possibilities for the future.

We are largely the result of our environment. The more you hang out with negative people, the less you’ll want to smile. You have to stay away from negativity at all costs.

Surround yourself with optimistic friends who are always willing to support you. Optimism is a habit to be formed and learned.

It is therefore necessary to ensure that you have optimistic people around you, so that they can rub off on us.

Some tend to always cause the problems. If a problem presents itself, give yourself time to analyze it, feel the frustration, and doubt. Then try to find the most appropriate solution, or the best way to improve the situation.

By focusing on the solution, you will see that you will evolve and that you can see new possibilities. In other words, you will feel more optimistic.

It seems that optimistic people are happy, and especially lucky, which can be frustrating in the eyes of others.

But if life smiles so much on optimistic people, it is no accident. They strive to see the best in every situation, and seek to capitalize on every moment.

Imagine that you want to lose weight, but you cannot lose more than a pound. It may sound frustrating to you, but an optimistic person will see it as a small victory that will show them that they are on the right track.

Optimistic people know that every small step takes them one step further on the road to success.

Optimistic people don’t just achieve something ; they always go further and always want more.

To do the same, you can find someone who inspires you, someone you admire and who pushes you forward.

That way, as soon as you feel like you’re close to admitting defeat, then you can think about that person and imagine what they would do for you.

It can be a high level athlete, a friend you admire, or a master with great success.

One of the things that costs us the most is recognizing our little wins every day. Optimistic people know that they must always set new challenges for themselves, but also recognize what they have done right.

Take a few minutes at the end of the day to reflect on and congratulate yourself on your successes. This simple gesture will allow you to believe more in yourself, to gain in self-esteem and in self-confidence.

To be pessimistic is to waste time thinking about things that belong to the past and on which we can no longer go back, which therefore prevents any pessimistic person from seizing new opportunities that would allow them to move forward.

On the contrary, being optimistic is accepting that there are things that you cannot change, and working on those that you can control.

If you are not thriving professionally, stop thinking about all the negative aspects of your job, and instead try to find one that you might like more.

A healthy body will allow you to fully experience all emotions and other sensations. It’s easier to be optimistic when you have a healthy lifestyle. 

Learning to deal with stress, eating a healthy diet, sleeping well, drinking enough water and exercising are all factors that will make you feel happier and see life differently.

This is the last secret to know if you want to be optimistic, and perhaps even the most important: live day to day.

It doesn’t matter what you may have done yesterday or what you can do tomorrow if you don’t take advantage of today. Optimistic people know how to live in the moment and enjoy every second.

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