There Are Scars That Remind Us Of The Most Beautiful Things In Life: Children

There are scars that remind us of the most beautiful thing in life: children

A large portion of women who become mothers have marks, streaks, saggy skin and scars.

Usually, fears hide these realities, as women learn that they shouldn’t show off or that they should be ashamed of it.

But it is obvious that these scars are not at all shameful. These are brands that remind us of great times and great beginnings.

For example, the scar on the belly of a mother who gave life to her children by caesarean section or by natural means. His body is no longer the same.

It is possible that a mother does not feel very well aesthetically in her body, but emotionally it is one of the most wonderful experiences that exist.

Why ? It’s simple, because that scar allowed her to become a mother and to be a mother, it’s like having her heart outside the chest. It is something extraordinary.

We must insist on the fact that sometimes being a mother involves pain which must coexist with joy.

We are talking about postpartum depression, a state of sadness, listlessness and irritability that 80% of women experience during the two weeks following childbirth.


The wounds that mothers need to heal

A mother is also grappling with society, her body and its expectations. Add to that a few months of hormonal, physical and emotional imbalance which generates darkness in moments of light.

The arrival of motherhood is complicated and often it makes us vulnerable. Why ? Among other reasons, our brain becomes hyperactive in the face of stress and the hormone that causes it: cortisol.

This substance during pregnancy performs the functions of protection and monitoring, but once you have the baby in your arms, it can make a mother nervous, worried and very reactive.

In his mind, balance is demanded but it does not arrive and this step is exhausting, not only because the brain is in turmoil and confused, but also because there is generally a great incomprehension there, both personal and on the part of the others.


Feeling bad about a less pretty figure, a general imbalance, and the restructuring of roles, priorities, and expectations doesn’t make you a bad mother.

This is important to stress because often these feelings are accompanied by a huge sense of guilt.

It is a difficult process that requires great social and emotional support.

Normally the body does the rest, balancing hormonal levels and allowing the woman to recover. If this condition persists, which happens in 10-15% of cases, it is necessary to consult a specialist.

When the love of your life calls you mom

Childbirth is likely to leave a woman with a physical injury, but it also offers her the greatest gift she can receive: a child.

From then on, the woman’s brain divides, thinks for two and loves this little being unconditionally and infinitely. 


This is why we say that not all scars always reflect bad memories. Scars from childbirth are not painful in themselves as they allow the formation of a new wonderful identity.

Thus, with the passage of time, a woman, through her scars, accesses a great harmony, a strong link with her maternal silhouette which envelops her in a strange but sensitive and unique emotivity.

The scars of mothers will always be a memory of confused feelings at the start but also of the beginning of the purest love that exists: the love of a mother for her children. 

Note to reader: The photographs in this article were taken by Jade Beall, a photographer and mom who wants to highlight the beauty of the maternal female body.

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