7 Steps To Take To Strengthen Your Self-esteem

7 steps to take to strengthen your self-esteem

The greatness of the human being is appreciated and perceived according to the level of self-knowledge that a person presents.

This wonderful condition is maintained in each of us through our perception of ourselves or, what amounts to the same thing, our self-esteem.

Self-esteem is made up of the beliefs that we have about ourselves, of these qualities, these capacities and these ways of acting as well as of managing our emotions which are part of our being, those which constitute the image of ourselves.


“Wanting to be someone else is spoiling who you are.”

-Marilyn Monroe-

Self-esteem is the glue on which our personal and emotional development is based.

This is why, it affects positively or not the other constitutive aspects of your life: work, relationships and personal reasons for living.

It is then through self-esteem that you assess the sensations and experiences integrated throughout your life. This is how you come to say things like “I’m stupid”, “I don’t know how to do anything”, or “I don’t like other people”.


As we told you previously, this daily self-assessment which we carry out unconsciously is necessary and important, since it is thanks to it that we will or will not further promote our personal talents and our successes.

People with strong and positive self-esteem are able to overcome any situation that confronts them with difficulty or challenge on a daily basis.

On the contrary, people with low self-esteem only limit themselves, which leads to failure.

In order to help you avoid being part of this second category of people, we invite you to read the rest of this article and to take note of the 7 steps to take to increase your self-esteem, and thus enjoy a healthy and fulfilling quality of life.

Don’t generalize

The past is not the best friend of self-esteem, since staying anchored in it does not allow us to move forward or to evolve internally.

Remember, you shouldn’t generalize by focusing on negative experiences that you may have had throughout your life.

Accept that you are not perfect and you may have faults is necessary for you to move forward, while enjoying your true essence in addition to accepting that c e happened once will happen again …

Be aware of your successes

This is one of the best ways to improve our self-image. To do this, we invite you to become aware of your successes already acquired, and to visualize those that you want to achieve in the future.

When it comes to enjoying good self-esteem, we need to recognize our ability to do things right in different areas of our lives, and never forget to always do everything we can to achieve the wonderful goals that we set for ourselves.

Believe in yourself

Always remember to act in accordance with what you think and feel, and above all, believe in yourself.

Remember that each of us has our own perception of reality, which is why we should not give too much importance to what others think of us.


Believe in your inner voice, the one that will always give you the best advice and remind you how extraordinary you are.


Focus on the positive

Get used to appreciating and perceiving your qualities, and the aspects of your personality that you are proud of. 

Your strengths and weaknesses are a treasure, which is why they make you an extraordinary person.

Accept yourself as you are

Never forget to accept yourself as you are. The power to achieve whatever you dream of with your imperfections and virtues resides within you.

We can only establish genuine and sincere relationships with others when we accept ourselves as we are.


“The man who does not value himself can then value nothing, nothing and no one.”

-Ayn Rand-

Don’t compare yourself to others

How you just repeated it and invited you to understand it, we are all different from each other. We all have our own characteristics that make us special and unique people.

You may think of yourself as worse than others, but remember that there will always be one aspect of life where you are “better” than others.

Thus, comparing yourself to others is only positive and beneficial when it allows you to learn from it.

Strive to be better every day

Strive to improve those things that keep you from feeling in harmony with yourself.

This is a good way to strengthen your self-esteem, since it allows you to grow both inside and out.

Identify all of those things that you would like to change or achieve. Then, put together an action plan to start initiating the changes you feel you need to make to get there.

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