What Is Stressing Us? Here Is An Analysis Of The Seven Main Causes Of Stress

What is stressing us?  Here is an analysis of the seven main causes of stress

We live in an age where stress is more present than ever, but what is stressing us? Why are we more stressed than before?

The hectic pace in which we are immersed is the main cause of the stress that we can feel, coupled with a lack of financial security that most of the population is experiencing because of the crisis, which does not offer us many opportunities. to take advantage of the little free time we have left.

While most of the time we are aware that we are stressed, we do not always know why. In general, stress is not due to just one factor but to the accumulation of several factors.

Here is a description of each of the top seven causes of stress.

The seven main causes of stress

1. Stress at work

These days, many of us work in a position that stresses them out and makes them more nervous than usual, usually due to haste, excess responsibilities, poor relationships with co-workers and / or employees. bosses …

In most cases, few of our co-workers are frequentable, which means that workers have more work, and a heavier mental load. In addition, we often do not dare to refuse when we are asked to cope with a workload greater than that incumbent on us.
Indeed, to refuse would be to take the risk of being made redundant, and given the difficulty of finding a job these days, we prefer not to take any risks.

To minimize stress at work, ask yourself what do you like to do the most, what activity feels good for you, and try to make the most of the free time you have. Even if you have little free time, don’t give up on your free time, and above all, don’t neglect your diet or your sleep.

2. Toxic people

Often, the environment in which we find ourselves can explain the stress. Toxic people drain us of our energy and rob us of all our positivity. To find out if there are such people around you, you only have to do one thing: listen to your emotions.

If you feel hatred, stress, pain, in other words if you have bad feelings, it is because you are facing toxic people.
Healthy people are those who, when we are in contact with them, make us feel good and stimulate our positive emotions. They are like a ray of sunshine that improves our emotions.

When you find yourself in an environment conducive to stress, the best way out is to spend as little time as possible with toxic people.
But given that most of the time this is impossible because they can also be members of our own family, or even work colleagues with whom we are forced to spend time, we must do everything to make the most of the little time. free time available.
This can allow us to rebalance the balance of negativity to which we have no choice but to be exposed.

3. Negative thoughts

We can be stressed without there being any reason for us to be. Indeed, by only thinking about what is negative in our life, we are more easily stressed.
We must strive to think of pleasant things, and not let ourselves be overcome by pessimism. We must also cultivate tolerance, put aside the desire to be perfect, the thirst for success or even stop acting in a hurry, because none of this can make us move forward.
We were not born to be perfect and efficient, but to be happy.

Indeed, the famous proverb says   “it is not the arrival that counts, but the road traveled”.
Even if this seems to be pure utopia, it is nevertheless true, because the road traveled offers us a multitude of things from which we can profit. We have to raise our heads and look around instead of looking to the future.
There is only one place we can live fully while enjoying what life has to offer, and that is the present moment
, the one we are living here and now.

If you only think about the past or the future, then you will generate stress, which will not be real, because you will have created it yourself from your negative thoughts.

4. Significant losses

One of the biggest causes of stress is the loss of loved ones, friends or loved ones. In most cases, professional help is needed.
The loss of a loved one is an irreversible change in our life, which is very painful. We then go through all the stages of mourning, after which the pain will subside. The more time passes, the more we are able to move forward without too much difficulty.

5. Love and lack of affection

When it is demonstrated, love is probably one of the things that makes us the happiest. But when it is not lived in a healthy way, it can harm us.
Conflicting couple relationships generate a lot of stress: emotional dependence, low self-esteem and lack of self-esteem, fear of losing the other, etc.
Unfortunately, many people forget the proverb “it is better to be alone than in bad company. ”, Which is the source of a heavy stress load.

But there are also the single people, who delude themselves by setting their sights on people who do not correspond to them, and who can come to get used to suffering, to run after people with whom they cannot establish themselves. a healthy couple relationship.
By acting in this way, we prevent ourselves from being happy and we increase the stress that we may be feeling.

6. Acoustic stress

Acoustic stress is a form of stress that is little talked about. However, being in a noisy environment on a regular basis can generate stress, especially if one is, for one reason or another, obliged to spend time in an environment of noise pollution. To compensate, you can try to devote a moment in the day to be alone with yourself to listen to relaxing music at low volume, do yoga, or practice relaxation.

7. Loneliness

We live in the age of telecommunications and therefore people have never been so lonely as human relations have worsened.
Reducing actual contact to spend more time in front of a computer or other electronic device has become quite normal.

Several years ago, people met and spent time together physically. It is important that one communicates with others face to face rather than through machines.

Rebalance your scale

Stress builds up in us, and if we don’t rebalance our balance, we will eventually compensate by developing some form of anxiety or contracting some other psychosomatic illness. But, how to rebalance the balance? The first thing to do is understand what is stressing us. Once you know that, you can then see things from another angle.

It is important that we take advantage of the free time we have to have fun. Everyone has their own way of having fun, and there is no one-size-fits-all rule.
If you don’t take the time to distract yourself on a regular basis, then you allow negativity to gain more and more ground in you, and your emotions will deteriorate.

Imagine, for example, a person who has to work 12 hours a day in an environment where they do not feel well. If after her day’s work, she is in such a negative state of mind that she doesn’t do anything for lack of desire and enthusiasm, stress will eventually take over her.
On the other hand, if she does everything to ensure that this unsatisfying job does not prevent her from continuing to enjoy life, then she will feel good.

We all need to find a motivation that can allow us to better cope with the negative aspects of our life. Find what motivates you, enjoy your hobbies, do things that appeal to you, enjoy, stay in touch with healthy people, have fun, take care of the people who love you and support you.

The more your life is punctuated with positive things, the more you will find within yourself the necessary resources to overcome the less pleasant moments.

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