6 Reasons Why We Don’t Have To Justify Ourselves

6 reasons why we don't have to justify ourselves

Obviously, a lot of our decisions tend to raise questions and sometimes we doubt everything around us.

We constantly meet people who have something to say and who judge wrongly and through our attitude and our way of acting in life.

Something that seems simple but which over time or repeated over time can change our heart and our way of loving.

David William, psychologist and blogger explains, according to his social studies, that we should not and that we are not obliged to give explanations and to justify ourselves. B

Although many of us are educated that not justifying ourselves means we have a loophole.

In this article, we’ll explain when you don’t have to justify yourself even though your beliefs and upbringing have told you otherwise.

Know that you are the only person to whom you are accountable, even if others try to ask you to justify yourself in front of them … 

You don’t need to explain your priorities in life

Each of us is unique and extraordinary. We can therefore find on our existential path a person who does not have the same tastes or the same attitudes towards life.

You have your own ideas of what you need to do to live well and to be fair to yourself and those around you. 

We have different dreams, goals and desires from each other. Learning to empathize and respect is essential so as not to judge our vital and sacred properties too quickly.

You yourself are the only person who decides and who has the power to choose.

You don’t have to justify yourself in front of anyone when you do something or stop doing certain things.


Don’t ask forgiveness for something you don’t regret, didn’t do wrong, or doesn’t move you 

You are free to feel your own emotions. So if you don’t feel guilty about something that others think you did, don’t put on a mask that your body will blame you on in the long run, because you will stop being yourself.

It doesn’t matter what other people think, it’s your decisions and you will change when you see fit.

If in reality you feel that you don’t need to ask for forgiveness, why do you? Why do others demand it of you?

Don’t let others tell you how you should feel and what to do… Respect yourself and most of all, be true to yourself.

The time you spend alone is personal and you have no explanation to give 

It is obvious that although we are mature and emotionally intelligent, it is difficult for us to say “no” to many dates or meetings, and not to show up at certain events because we just want to be alone. .

We then appear presumptuous, arrogant and even anti-social.

But we do not realize the importance of the time we have to give ourselves.

This disconnection offers us the silence and relaxation necessary for a good inner balance.

Desiring to spend time alone is actually a normal behavior and necessary for a healthy day-to-day well-being. 


Don’t worry about what explanations you have to give when you want to spend time alone, and keep this habit healthy as long as it is balanced.

You decide how to pass the time and in what manner, whether or not others understand it doesn’t mean you have to explain it to them.

Respecting the personal beliefs of others is necessary, but that doesn’t mean you have to accept them.

As we explain in the previous points, having empathy involves respecting and accepting what may be different from your own way of thinking. And reciprocally.

Human beings share emotions, experiences and beliefs. Everything that transforms us and makes us “ourselves”.

Just having someone share all of this with you doesn’t mean you have to take their ideas in and agree.

But we urge you to be transparent and not to do everything that others want you to do.

Sincerity is key to enjoying a healthy relationship : let it be known in a respectful way that you don’t think the same, and if you don’t want to explain why, you don’t have to.

No one can make you say “yes” 

We come into the world with the right to freedom, the right to feel free to make decisions that we believe to be thoughtful and healthy for ourselves. And also, for the people we love.

It is said that the most successful people are those who have mastered the art of rejecting what, for them, is not a priority or that they simply do not want to achieve.


It’s important to give thanks and to be thanked, but don’t be afraid to say no if you feel so.

Self-respect is essential and rejecting what you don’t want makes you a unique person and an extraordinary human being.

It helps us to mark our own limits and to be respected.

The path you have chosen in your life is sacred, and you do not have to justify your choice.

A few days ago, during one of my sessions, a client offered to work on the eternal duality of pleasure versus work.

We live in a system that educates us with the rule that work is only responsibility and puzzle, that if we work we cannot enjoy or feel alive during this professional day. And we choose to think so because we believe it is correct.

But we would like to ask you why do you think so?

You don’t have to explain to those around you why you prefer to devote your life to a profession or not.

Doing what pleases you allows you to become who you really are, and gives you wings to access the best version of yourself.

It encourages you to be better and to offer yourself to the world accordingly. If you are doubted, resort to the elegant phrase: “ don’t take it the wrong way, but it’s none of your business” . They have the power to do whatever they want with their life, so do you.

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