I Know How I Feel, Take Care Of Myself And Live

I know how I feel, I take care of myself and I live

When was the last time you wondered how you were feeling? When was the last time you allowed yourself to breathe deeply and enjoy everything around you?

When was the last time your well-being was not an option but a priority?

These days, when stress is a way of life, we are so worried about what may happen in the future that we are putting aside enjoying the present. However, we do not realize that the present is the only thing we really have, because the future is not yet something real.

In fact,  the “I take care of myself” have become “if I have time, I will breathe”, the “I know how I feel” the “it’s nothing, I’m just a little tired” and the “I live” of the “I survive day by day”.

As a result, our mental and physical health are affected by a multitude of damaging stressors that cause us great harm.

In order to feel good, you need to take care of yourself. However, due to the current pace of life, it is very difficult to take care of yourself.

It is for this reason that mindfulness was introduced , being nothing other than a tool that can allow you to manage stress while continuing to indulge in your daily activities.


Mindfulness for everyday life

To get into mindfulness, you just need to want to take care of yourself, and follow the tips below.

First, go for a quiet place , but then, once you have mastered the mindfulness technique, you can apply it in your daily life and thus improve your health:

  • when we are anxious or irritated, our breathing rate quickens, and as a result, our heart beats faster, signaling us that we are not well.
    In this case, we should not try to dominate or change our breathing, but only pay attention to it; when you realize it, your heart rate changes.
  • ask yourself how you are feeling and what your body is saying. Being aware of your own body makes those awkward sensations that may appear during mediation begin to be a part of this unique moment.
    In this way, this suffering or embarrassment can enter the field of our consciousness and be accepted without being regarded as undesirable. Remember that these feelings are lessons that we learn about ourselves.
  • listen to the world, the leaves of the trees or the cars, the silence or the hubbub of the people. To feel the world is to be part of something, it is to live it.
    Feel the present moment, feel, but without needing to move, because if the mind is restless the body follows; both are connected.
  • when you engage in meditation, usually rivers of thoughts burst into your mind. Some are more anxiety-provoking than others, but all have the same importance; the content should not be taken into account.
    In this case, it is not a question of forbidding yourself to think, but of concentrating on your breathing again. Watch your thoughts and let them go by focusing on the way you breathe.

These steps are a taste of the art of mindfulness, the art of feeling yourself, the art of living and taking care of yourself.

At first, it won’t be easy, but if you gradually start to put yourself in a comfortable place, seated, with your back straight and without crossing your legs, you will see that the more you practice, the more you will be able to manage the pain. technical.

You will master it so much that you can apply it anytime, anywhere.

I’ll feel good if I take the time to be, not to do

I will feel good if I take the time to be, not to do. I will feel good if I take care of myself, if I live fully, not if I just watch life go by, stifled by the tasks that define a future that is yet to come.

Taking care of yourself and being aware of yourself and your well-being will improve your health, strengthen your immune system, and clear your mind.

You will need to rest better and therefore increase your performance.

Taking care of yourself by opting for the practice of mindfulness will allow you to have the time to be and to enjoy yourself! So what are you waiting for to get started?

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