Don’t Underestimate Me, Because I Might Surprise You!

Don't underestimate me, because I might surprise you!

We never fully know a person and, when we think that they finally have no secrets from us, in reality, they continue to surprise us.

It is one of the most pleasant feelings you can have with someone, unless it happens because you underestimate that person, which you should not do under any circumstances!

Any relationship, whatever its nature, needs to be renewed; to last, you have to discover new things about the other that you didn’t know until then.

If the ability as well as the motivation to surprise the other is present on both sides, then the relationship is more likely to grow and improve.

However, you should be wary of nuanced discoveries, especially with people you meet for the first time.

“I have always had a passion for details, for the small, almost invisible events that happen around us. Observe people and you will learn a lot ”

-Marc Levy-

That being said, when we first meet a person, we all make a guess as to what we think that person might be.

In a way, this behavior is very human, and unconscious.

If the first impression you have of someone is negative, then you better pay attention; many times, we tend to confirm our first impressions more than to ignore them.

Don’t underestimate me, try to really know me

Some people say more than they think, and sometimes they also say more than they know.

Besides, probably we have all had this behavior at least once in our life.

However, this is not behavior that meets the general norm that we say less than we know, think more than we say, and notice more than we know. do not want to believe it.


This behavior is explained by a mechanism of self-defense against the fear of being completely exposed emotionally in front of someone.

On other occasions, we simply want to give ourselves to discover little by little, without exceeding the speed imposed by time itself, nor the doses of shared tenderness.


“All the men I know are superior to me in some way, and in that sense, I learn from them.”

-Ralph W. Emerson-

For all these reasons, if we are not careful, we could lose beautiful people, and if we judge too quickly, we could make mistakes that we would most certainly regret later.

Make room for what others can teach you, don’t underestimate them, don’t label their foreheads too quickly, and from there you will cultivate healthy relationships of which there will always be something. thing to learn.

Don’t underestimate me, or the problem can only come from you

It is not good for our own inner peace to underestimate ourselves, just as it hurts us when others value us less than what we do have as an individual; no one should have the audacity to try to put us down.

“People who have little confidence in themselves will always try to put others down.”

-Carlos Ruíz Zafón-

If this has happened to you before and if you have known how to act, then you can be proud of yourself and the courage you have shown to get out of it.

However, if on the contrary you did not know how to handle a situation of this type, you can remember for the next time that the person who underestimates you really has a problem with himself.


People who behave in this way probably have low self-esteem and don’t even know it: it’s a response to the inner discomfort that gnaws at them and that they usually make the most discreet people pay for.

The smaller I am believed to be, the bigger I can be

To underestimate someone is to expect less from that person than they could actually give.

Even though one may not be aware of the limits or the real potential of others, some people think they can, and so make a big mistake.

Indeed, it is when these people bet the least on you that you are most likely to achieve your goals.

Too often we hear from people who say they are able to “touch people deeply” and quickly.

Perhaps they should instead try to give them a chance not to really correspond to the image they may have had of them at the beginning.

Very often, when a person functions in this way and considers someone as unfriendly, it is precisely this person who will adopt the behavior that he himself attributes to the other, which therefore increases the possibilities of receive the same treatment in return, and thus confirm their first impression.


There are wonderful people who would do things they never imagined they would do before, and there are others who add their contribution when you never expected.

There are those people who one day surprise you with a detail that proves that they know you more than you think.

These people believe in their abilities, even though people around them are constantly told that they are incapable of doing anything.

So, don’t let anyone underestimate you, don’t underestimate anyone, and don’t overlook the surprise factor, because the unforeseen and the unexpected are part of our essence as humans and, therefore, of life. herself.

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