Relationships Between Siblings In Adulthood: What Do They Bring Us?

The role of siblings doesn’t end with adolescence because as we get older they tend to take up a bigger place in our lives.
Relationships between brothers and sisters in adulthood: what do they bring us?

Siblings are important characters during childhood and adolescence. In many cases, they are our first friends and companions, helping to form our identity. However, their impact on our lives doesn’t stop when we stop sharing a home. For sibling relationships in adulthood can be an important source of support.

Not all people maintain a strong, positive bond with their siblings as adults. Indeed, it is estimated that in a third of cases, the predominant feelings are hostility or apathy. However, those fortunate enough to maintain these relationships can reap various benefits.

Brothers and sisters in adulthood: an invaluable source of support

There are those who say that friends are the family you choose and that their support is truly unconditional. However, many other people and various studies have been able to verify that, in certain unfavorable situations, it is the brothers and sisters who really provide the accompaniment and emotional support.

Whether it is to help with child care, to offer support during illness, or as a source of comfort in the face of a major loss, the brothers and sisters offer their time, their shoulders and their words to comfort us. The sense of loyalty that has been established throughout life returns to the fore, leaving behind grudges, if necessary.

Older siblings kissing

Friends and confidants

It is not in all cases that a fraternal relationship also constitutes a bond of friendship. Nevertheless, when this happens, the siblings become irreplaceable figures. They are the ones who know us best, who have seen us grow and transform ; they have known our history from the start and have been present in some of the most important moments.

With our siblings, we can speak with confidence, with the tranquility of unconditional acceptance , without the pressure of having to pretend or pretend to be someone we are not. Fears, doubts and mistakes can be freely shared, knowing that there will be no judgment or wickedness in their response.

Companions on the way

As we grow we mature and accumulate experiences. At some point, we may perhaps feel the need to remember our life path, and especially our childhood.

This is why having people in our lives who have lived these same moments, who share memories with us, who have been forged within the same family can be very precious. Brothers and sisters are the bridge between who we were and who we are today , a constant on our path that brings us security.

As maturity, retirement, and all the associated changes approach, fellowship relationships seem to tighten and become more relevant. Now that the rhythm of life is behind us, that our colleagues cease to be so and that our children are leaving the nest, this brotherly love that has always accompanied us can turn into a precious refuge.

Hiking with adult siblings

How to renew and rediscover fraternal relationships in adulthood?

The role of sibling relationships in adulthood can be as important or more important than in childhood. However, for many people these links are not available.

Usually, bad sibling relationships begin to develop in childhood. On the other hand, a frequent source of conflict is the unequal treatment received by parents. Indeed, when these favor one of their children, they are more likely to generate rivalries, resentments and conflicts between siblings. A conflict that can last into adulthood.

If this is your case, try to realize that now is not the time to compete for the love and acceptance of your parents. Moreover, this inequality of treatment which existed was not the fault of your brother or sister. So why not have an honest conversation, without pride, that allows you to reconnect?

Sometimes professional support is needed to study and heal these past wounds, to establish new ways of communicating, and to be able to enjoy a connection that has a lot to offer in your life. Don’t hesitate to ask for help if you need it.

Siblings: those best friends we didn't have to find
Our thoughts Our thoughts

Whoever has a brother or sister has a great emotional treasure. We invite you to discover all the things we can share with our …

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