You Have To Let Go Of What Hurts You, Even If It Is Difficult For You

You have to let go of what hurts you, even if it is difficult for you

Over time, I understood that letting go is not about declaring yourself defeated, it is not an act of weakness, but rather an act of strength and maturity. Even though it hurts me to let you go, I know some things just can’t last.

Throughout our lives, we have left many things behind, we have unlearned scenarios, situations, habits and even people.

Today, you are what you left behind yesterday, in order to build a more authentic present for yourself, even if this may have caused some suffering.


Letting go, in fact, is part of life; each step forward that we take serves us to let go of those things that can no longer last, of what hurts, of what fits with the gears of our happiness.


To assume that to live, often, is to cut the bridges and to let go of these things which formerly filled us with happiness and hope, it is undoubtedly something very difficult to do.

However, from the moment you assume it, you are then better prepared to overcome those moments when looking behind is “ detaching yourself ” from those things that are now a thing of the past.

Sometimes being nostalgic enriches us and inspires us, but to survive perpetually in the memory and in what you let go, far from allowing you to flourish, that will erode you, like these rocks sometimes charged with the pain of the swell.

Free yourself, move forward, and assume your experience as if it were a precious treasure : it enriches you from the inside and helps you take the best path, the one where balance opens, the one that will lead you to live all the things you really have to go through.

Let go of some things, so that even better things can get to us


Sometimes we believed in those things that we let go of, and many times they made us happy.

The joys, the love and the hope of yesterday explain the suffering of today, the difficulty one can have in unlearning a person or a situation.


Even what did you good before may not hurt you now, but on the contrary make you suffer. Even those who say they love you may drift away from you a little further each day, like those who pluck the petals of a flower until all it has left is its thorns.


In fact, it is not easy to integrate what we have been told so many times: to live is to let ourselves be carried away without resisting. But, how do you get there?

We all need self-assurance on a daily basis, we all need to be loved today the same way we will tomorrow.

  • Letting go is to show courage, it is to know yourself. We need to be able to see where our limits are, as well as know what we really want for us.
  • We are aware that happiness is not acquired for anyone, that no line of the hand guarantees it.
    Nevertheless, we have the right to intertwine, at a given moment , our fingers with those of another, of this person who fills us with emotions, and who in a certain way offers us well-being.
  • If this companion with whom we hold our hand ends up guiding us on the path of misfortune, then we must let go and find our own path, and even if there is still love.
    Despite tenderness and passion, not all relationships are healthy, and not all loves include the language of respect.

A strong self-esteem and a courageous attitude that defends our own dignity, this is what will guide us away from these kinds of situations and allow us not to stand there, still, at the mercy of suffering.

To mature is also to let go of those people who do not want to stay by our side.


Learn to let go, and you’ll be happy

Those who cling to the past enslave their thoughts, minds, hearts and souls. The past cannot be erased, nor can it be changed, and even less forgotten.

We cannot change people either, or even force them to love us as we would like … Certain aspects of our life, to be overcome, must above all be accepted.


To love is also to learn to let go, because it is almost always love that makes us suffer the most. It is only when we accept that certain things must end that we can be free, and find new happiness.


Letting go is letting it happen, because when we come into the world, we don’t know everything, and we don’t have the manual allowing us to make the perfect decisions and never make mistakes.

To live is to try, to tempt, to begin, to risk oneself, but also to make mistakes; this is why we must take into account the following aspects:

  • Do not get angry, do not fill your heart with anger or your mind with resentment. Letting go is an art that must be done in peace, not in hatred. It is then that we can be free, and discover that day after day, the suffering is fading.
  • To let go, the first thing you have to do is learn to accept; accept that each of your experiences was worth it, for you have lived, for those who deny and forget do not assume, heal and learn. You have to accept what is happening and understand that letting go is also growing.


Someday everything will make sense, the suffering of today, the chaos and uncertainty of letting go of all those things that once defined you, will lead you tomorrow to that door opening to much better things, because remember… everything happens for a reason.



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