Zombieing, When The Person Who Left Us Without Saying Anything “comes Back To Life “

The term zombieing refers to a person who, after having disappeared from our life without saying anything, suddenly comes back to us through a message. However, this return is not accidental. The zombie is knocking on your door because he is hungry, he needs to feed his ego and boost his self esteem.
Zombieing, when the person who left us without saying anything "comes back to life"

In recent years, we’ve become familiar with terms like ghosting (disappearing from someone’s emotional life without an explanation) or orbiting (cutting off a relationship with a person, but continuing to interact with them through social media). Now it seems that there is a need to add a new word to this list: zombieing .

Beyond the fact that one can more or less like this series of Anglo-Saxon names, there is an undeniable fact. Naming these phenomena intimately linked to the world of new technologies has become a necessity, because these means have changed our relationships and, above all, they have participated in building (and destroying) our relations as well as our friendships.

Zombieing defines a type of behavior that may be familiar to you. This term refers to that person who put you aside, and who miraculously “comes to life”. It comes back to you through an SMS, a simple WhatsApp or a comment on your social networks. This person we considered missing returns to our present as if nothing had happened and with one goal: to rekindle the relationship.

Beyond being singular (or bizarre), the term zombie continues to reflect an all too frequent reality. And even worse, these dynamics generate great suffering.

While having to come to terms with the inexplicable disappearance of a person to whom we were emotionally united is already difficult, coping with their return puts the person at a very special crossroads. Let’s dig deeper into this topic.

Zombieing is a concept similar to ghosting.

Zombieing, the return of the party without saying goodbye

We are immersed in our work, in a moment of leisure with friends or, even worse, we share our life with our current partner when it happens. We get a notification on our phone, we take a look at it and it happened.

This person who was important to us and who decided to stop talking to us, for no reason, returns to our present cheerfully, innocently, and even with a subtle charm.

Usually, it comes back to our lives with a sentence like: “Hello, how are you? Are you doing well ? I miss you.” ; “Hello, I found you on Instagram, wouldn’t you want to go for a drink?” When this happens to you, you experience what is called zombieing, a term coined in 2016.

These 21st century zombies have the almost supernatural ability to return just as we have overcome the lack of their absence. We have rebuilt our life with emotional bandages, with bandages and stitches to try to heal the wound caused by the lack, by this ghost that left us without a word and, suddenly … This last knocks on your door.

What do we do in these situations? What type of profile is behind the zombieing phenomenon?

A way to improve their ego

A person used to zombieing (a behavior that also occurs in men and women) does not make their stellar appearance around Halloween time.

The real zombie actually emerges when he’s hungry. His eagerness to feed his hungry ego drives him to seek contact with that person who, at some point, gave him what he needed most. Admiration, affection and care.

We could call them narcissists. As well as immature people lacking in empathy. However, in this type of behavior, several processes actually converge. One of them is the weakening of relationships. It is not necessary to have a personality disorder, which resorts to the clinical field. This is a social behavior, an increasingly widespread model.

Whoever left for no reason needs no excuse to come back. He comes back because he no longer appreciates his bonds or his relationships, because it does not weigh on his conscience and he does not see any problem in his behavior. For this person who goes from ghost to zombie, everything flows and advances according to his desires and needs. Love is disposable, usable, and can even be recycled if desired.

If this ex-partner comes back into your life for a while after you have left you, he is doing so mainly to strengthen his ego and because, certainly, his current reality is not very stimulating. He needs more reinforcements and therefore hopes that you feed him like you did before.

Zombieing is about coming back to a person overnight after a long period of ignoring them.

When faced with a zombie, it’s best not to open your door

The return of the zombies often puts us in a difficult situation. The wounds reopen, the balance we had achieved after this absence is altered and, above all, rage and surprise can arise. These people returning to our lives make it fresh and shiny, they seek our attention as if nothing had happened.

What should we do in these circumstances? First of all, be careful. You must not lose your perspective, however tempted you may be to read these messages, these audios, these invitations that evoke days and times spent with this person. His return is never casual or harmless, the zombie always asks for something. He always comes back hungry and he is skilled at opening already healed scars.

If there’s one thing you need to remember about her sudden disappearance, it’s not to let something like that happen to you again. Love is not about ghosts or zombies. A relationship that hurts, hurts, or hurts is not beneficial, we deserve better, and it’s best to keep away from each other.

So, the best thing to do is ignore these messages, prevent them from entering our lives and, above all, protect the sacred territory of our hearts.

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