Happiness Is Made Of Little Moments Of Joy

Happiness is made of little moments of joy

We all know what happiness is, but it is difficult for us to define it.

What is happiness ? What is it made of? Does it invade us constantly or is it made up of small fragments that touch our soul when we least expect it, but also when we provoke it?

Why don’t we induce our own happiness instead of lamenting that we are not happy?

Perhaps happiness is not a circumstance, but rather an attitude.

Perhaps it does not depend so much on the money we have or the material things we have, on the state of our professional life or our financial situation.

Maybe happiness depends on simple things like enjoying a sunny day in the company of your own, going for a walk with your son / daughter or grandson / granddaughter, or having a good chocolate brownie. And you what do you think ?


“Happiness is inside, not outside; that is why it does not depend on what one has, but on what one is. ”

-Henry Van Dike-

What is happiness ?

Obviously, each of us will have our own idea of ​​what happiness is.

But sometimes when life puts us to the test, we realize that a lot of things that we thought were the ones that made up our particular puzzle have changed.


These pieces are no longer made of material things, of this feeling that we are the most beautiful of the party, etc.

Now, being able to see the sun every day or smell the aroma of flowers, these things have acquired a new dimension …


“My happiness consists in knowing how to appreciate what I have, and not in desiring excessively what I do not have.”

-Leon Tolstoy-

A nice list of all those things that make you happy, with little moments of joy

Probably each of us has our own list, and with all that, we could make a huge list.

What do you think of these claims about happiness, the one that makes our lives a series of small but delicious portions?

  • Open your eyes at midnight and see on the alarm clock that there are still 5 hours before getting up: there is no greater pleasure than being able to sleep.
    Sleep brings well-being to our body and mind.
  • Eat a brownie while you are kissed on the cheek: chocolate and kisses… is there anything better than this? Pure endorphins.
  • Feel the hug from that little child you love so much:  Children have the endless ability to make us feel loved, and therefore happy. Feel the hug of this child you love so much and keep this moment in your heart forever.
  • See your favorite movie with sweets, chocolate and popcorn: Movies distract us and allow us to escape from our sometimes bleak reality. When you find yourself having a hard time, watch a movie; it’s a very simple way to enjoy a little moment of happiness.
  • Laugh out loud: laughing is so healthy! Laugh out loud. Happiness will invade you, and your defenses will increase! Laughter is one of the greatest allies of happiness, and therefore of health.
  • Do what you love the most without rush or stress: cook, go for a walk, cycle or rollerblade. Why should we stress even in times of calm?
  • Feel a sincere hug: is there something healthier, more sincere, that fills us with greater happiness than a simple hug? Hugs are a great source of emotions and pleasant sensations.
  • Listen to your favorite music thoroughly: music is a great remedy for our soul. Music has been proven to stimulate the brain to release endorphins for happiness. Enjoy the music.
  • A moment with friends: bonding with others, if at all with people who are positive and good for us, it helps us to endure bad times.

Moral of the story… Don’t you think that happiness is much closer to you than you think?

You just have to want it and give yourself the means to realize it.

Take advantage of these little moments that make you feel so good … Learn to be happy!

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