I’m Tired Of Wanting Everything To Go The Way I Want

I'm tired of wanting everything to go the way I want it to

Let us stop trying to determine everything. Let’s stop wanting everything to happen in a concrete way. When we try to predict things, to define them, they never turn out the way we want them to. We then drown in frustration. Freeing ourselves from the chains that we impose on ourselves will prevent us from falling into the terrible pit of psychological difficulties and problems.

We live in a kind of automatism,  as if a button that forced us to live without thinking and without thinking was constantly lit. We do the things He tells us without considering alternatives. This button is on  it  prevents us from seeing the essence of the facts. What happens to us is contaminated by our way of seeing the world.

When we merge with our thoughts and feelings, we lose experiences. The experience of living, the experience of our lives.

Asking ourselves why we do things and why we act a certain way opens a door for us to the reasons for our behavior. When our attention is focused on the past or the future, we fall into the hands of guilt and worry. And we forget the present moment. This leads to a narrowing of our thoughts, emotions and behaviors.

On the other hand, a lack of contact with the present  tends to make us behave in an ineffective way. Extreme behavior regulation decreases contact with current circumstances, which can be of great help in shaping and guiding our behavior.

light of the spirit

Life isn’t so much what happens to us: it’s how we deal with it

Our attitude contains the secret of happiness. It is she who will make us happy to be alive or who will make us suffer and will transform us into slaves of discomfort. It must depend on us, at all times, and not on our learned automatisms.

For each situation, it is necessary to make a choice. If we keep our autopilot on all the time,  nothing will change for us. And no matter what happens in the outside world. We will be like a hammer that sees only nails and forgets everything else.

Our brains like to play with us. He likes to make us believe he has the truth. However,  reality will not depend on what we want. We cannot live with only pleasant things. We have to learn to live with everything else. This of course includes things that we don’t want.

Also, according to psychology experts,  life is 10% what happens to us and 90% how we deal with it. It is therefore time to face things more and take responsibility for what is happening.

let it go

Wanting everything to go the way I want it to be, is that really what I’m looking for?

When you understand that  changing the superfluous doesn’t hurt, you become free to exist and be. In any circumstance. This means that we must go beyond our desires and our automatisms, whether they are personal, social or family.

You are not what you think. You are more than what your thoughts tell you, you are more than a set of beliefs that should define things. You are much greater than predetermined and illusory ideas. You are the change. You can adapt. When you realize this, you will understand that things are going as they should be.

In the universe, nothing good or bad happens. Everything that happens is neutral and necessary. The problem arises when we struggle and come into conflict with situations and circumstances that are part of the evolutionary process of every human being. From now on,  let’s get into the habit of seeing reality as it is: neutral. Let’s not judge her.

Whether we consider it good or bad has nothing to do with the evolutionary process we have to go through. It depends on what we think. There is nothing more devastating and painful than wanting things to turn out the opposite way. Giving up this harmful habit is one of the best things we can do for ourselves.

8 verses from the Dalai Lama to control our mind
Our thoughts Our thoughts

We will present 8 verses below which aim to make the most of our physical and emotional health.


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