The Marie Kondo Method To Put Your Life In Order By Tidying Up Your House

The Marie Kondo method to put your life in order by tidying up your house

The Marie Kondo Method says that getting your house in order helps you see more clearly in your life. The disorder of the objects is the reflection of a certain interior chaos. At the same time, this external labyrinth generates a feeling of internal doubt. These two aspects are closely linked.

Marie Kondo is a Japanese woman, author of the book “The magic of order”. She has become a real guru in the matter. It’s not for nothing that she was included in Times magazine’s list of the 100 most influential people in the world  in 2015.

At the end of the year, many people are looking for the best way to organize their homes and get their lives in order. It is the right time to apply the Marie Kondo method. Let’s see what it consists of.

The Marie Kondo method and the ricochet effect

One of the important concepts of the Marie Kondo method is the “ricochet effect”. It begins to operate when people want to tidy up a space and select whatever they are not using. Very often, they put it in an orderly fashion.

neat drawer

Then, they look for any place to be able to deposit what is no longer useful to them. In this way, cabinets, drawers and other spaces end up being filled with objects that are of no use. A lot of people even decide to buy other furniture to put everything they have in it.

In the end, the spaces intended to store things are completely saturated. However, in the Marie Kondo method, ordering does not mean storing. When you do that, the disorder reappears. Since the spaces for storing things are occupied, all the objects are again lost in all the corners. This is the ricochet effect.

Learn to throw away what no longer serves us

Most people have a hard time throwing things away. However, the secret of order lies precisely in overcoming this problem. This is what the Marie Kondo method indicates. We have to learn to throw things away without regrets. Of course, “throwing away” also involves giving.

Marie kondo

According to Marie Kondo,  we should only keep the objects that make us happy. Each object acquires an emotional meaning. Some are precious. Others, on the other hand, only provoke indifference to us. It is this class of objects that has nothing to do in our house. Their sole function is to obstruct the space.

If you keep wondering whether you should throw something away or not, the answer is: throw it in the trash. Faced with the objects that make us happy, we do not feel the slightest doubt. However, if this doubt is present, it is because this specific object is not so important. What operates, in this case, is this neurotic habit that makes us have a hard time letting go of things.

Despite everything,  before you get rid of an object, you must show it gratitude for all the services rendered. And say goodbye to him. It sounds silly, but Marie Kondo says it’s a good antidote for certain feelings of guilt. The ones that appear in a lot of people when they throw things away.

The stages of the Marie Kondo method

The Marie Kondo method consists of nine steps. Each of these must be completed in full before moving on to the next. Marie Kondo and her thousands of fans assure that it really works. It just takes a little firmness to bring it to a successful conclusion. Here are the different steps to follow:

  • Get rid of things. Throwing away anything that doesn’t make us happy or doesn’t have deep meaning for us.
  • Only store what brings joy to our lives.
  • Sort by category, not by location. This means that you have to tidy up ALL the clothes and not tidy up the bedroom, for example.
  • You always have to start with the clothes. Clothes are easier to throw away because you quickly know whether you are using them or not.
  • Organize the remaining clothes vertically. Form small rectangles with them. Then store them vertically. The end result looks like a library of clothes.
  • Don’t procrastinate. It is best to start and end in the same time frame with each category. Don’t postpone things.
  • Give value to the items you keep. If they don’t make sense, they don’t belong in your house.
  • Do the housework on your own. If you are with other people, they will probably persuade you not to let go of certain items.
  • Don’t buy new furniture to store things unless you really have little. The furniture you have is quite sufficient.

Those who have applied this method say that it is of great help. Especially for the nostalgic and those who accumulate compulsively (but without pathology). If you are thinking of tidying up now that this New Year has started, try implementing it because it is worth it.

marie kondo storage


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