Being Lucky Enough To Have A Good Master Is Priceless

Having the chance to count on a good master is priceless

Who were the teachers who marked the most? If you were asked this question, you probably wouldn’t be long in answering; you remember their name very well, their way of teaching and the reasons why they marked you. A good teacher is never forgotten.

The same goes for all the other people who teach us things outside the school sphere ; indeed, those who teach us precious lessons also leave a mark in us, beyond the knowledge they transmit to us.

In our lifetime, we cross paths with hundreds of people, and most of them leave without leaving a trace.

On the other hand, those who show a special ability to transmit knowledge are unforgettable.

Why are we lucky to have had a good teacher? Because he gave us much more than he claimed, much more than we expected.

A master impossible to forget

All children have heroes ; Beyond the parents or a fictional character, the teachers occupy a very important place in their life.

For example, if a teacher instills in a child the value of effort, if he says the right words to him at the right time, or if he uses a playful learning technique, probably the acquired knowledge will remain. -it engraved in his memory.


Unfortunately, the majority of teachers are very routine; they do things monotonously and stick strictly to the program dictated by the books.

However, some of them – which we can probably count on the fingers of the hand – were exceptional, and we showed a very special ability to mark us.

A good teacher is the one who teaches things to his students while having fun, the one who demonstrates the extent of his vocation in the face of 30 children who are bored and who would prefer to be elsewhere to play, or even the one who, thanks in his words, allowed you to choose the profession you practice today.

How should an ideal teacher be?

It’s not the one who gives less homework or the one who lets the children do whatever they want in class. But it is not either the one who overloads his students with work, nor the one who makes absolute silence reign in the classroom.

On the contrary ; a good teacher is one who raises the bar at the height of his students, and who places it at a height slightly higher than that which they could pass with ease.

He is also the one who has sufficient resources to allow him to find the best way to lead his students to internalize what he is trying to transmit to them.

Vocation is something that perhaps we do not understand when we are young, but that we can easily distinguish in the people who present it. In fact, the vocation quickly transforms into an attitude, into a positive disposition in the face of the challenges that the class may pose to it.

If he treats all students the same without differentiating, if he is not embarrassed by spending more time explaining things to those who do not understand, if he is cordial with his students and close to them, and above all, if he shows great patience, then he will be an ideal teacher.

In turn, he must not lack enthusiasm in his work, he must want to continuously surpass himself, to find new ways of saying the same thing and to give the best of himself in the knowledge that he transmits. in class.

True training is also an aspect that no teacher should overlook. What does that mean ? That in addition to transmitting information, formulas and techniques, he must be able to instill in his students values ​​and good habits.


Are there great teachers outside of school?

So far, we have only talked about the children and their schoolteachers. But, the function of a mentor does not depend only on age and profession ; many adults are also looking for someone who can guide them and teach them things they need or want to learn.

The mentor offers all his knowledge to his disciple or apprentice, and helps him overcome various obstacles. Most often, it is someone who has a great deal of experience in this field, and who has a special gift for teaching or imparting knowledge.

This is why it doesn’t matter how old you are: there is still time to choose the “best teacher” in your life.

“We remember our brilliant masters with pleasure, and with gratitude those who touched our feelings.”

-Carl Gustav Jung-


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