When I Think I’m Not A Good Person

When I think I'm not a good person

Have you ever felt like you were a bad person? Sometimes we make mistakes that make us feel guilty. Guilt assails us and makes us feel like we are bad people. But, everything that we do wrong does not make us bad people, quite the contrary.

If you think you are a bad person, you are definitely on the path to change. Bad people don’t think they are. They are simply acting in their own interests and harming others for no reason.

When you feel like you are a bad person, do you wonder that maybe it is other people who are making you feel that way? In the rest of this article, you will discover that sometimes you think you are doing wrong when you are not. There are many factors that influence our perception of ourselves, and not all of them are real.

The border between good and evil


Since we were children, society has taught us the right behaviors to adopt. But, at the end of the day, what does it really mean to be a good person? Behave well, help others, never say “no”?

The things we have been taught sometimes go against our own interests. Too much kindness often exposes us to others. We must be vulnerable and are targets for all the bad intentions around us.

As we grow older and take on responsibility, we feel a strong sense of guilt. When we say “no” to someone and they get angry, when we tell the truth and it gets us into trouble, when we try to go beyond appearances and face rejection of others, we feel a form of rejection from others and from the society in which we live.

We need to be able to understand that being a good person is one thing, but being a good pear is another. We must not allow others to use us as they please, we must not grant them the power to bring us below earth.

Why does a person get angry when we don’t want to do what they are trying to force us to do? Why do others treat us badly when we are sincere? Isn’t it hypocrisy when others ask us to be sincere but don’t accept our truth?

We must learn to put others in their place. You don’t always have to turn the other cheek and understand that behaving like this doesn’t make us bad people.

Being selfish can be a positive thing. You don’t have to be constantly at the mercy of others, for they are not at yours. Be free, know how to say “no”, do not allow anyone to tell you that you are a bad person.

Say “no” to emotional blackmail


Emotional blackmail is one of the most dangerous forms of guilt. If it occurs very often in the couple, it is found in most interpersonal relationships.

Blackmail is characterized by a person’s desire to make someone around them feel guilty who does not act as they would like. This is a very common way of acting that is certainly found in most of the people you know.

Emotional blackmail can make you believe that you are a bad person. If you don’t offer yourself completely to someone, if you aren’t always around, if you can’t stay when they want to, that makes you a bad person in the eyes of someone who feels abandoned.

Getting out of this situation is difficult, because our self-esteem is then at its lowest and we firmly believe that we are bad people by dint of seeing it in the eyes of others, even if, paradoxically, the situation makes us much more hurting us than them.

Have you ever thought about the pain of making you feel guilty? For example, you may be afraid to say certain things to others because you know it will hurt them. But sometimes you have to tell them what you think, and it can end badly because they will take it against them and make you feel guilty.

In truth, negativity is not to be looked for on the side of what you have expressed, but rather in the reaction of the person in front of you, who prefers to put himself in the position of the victim rather than trying to you. understand.

Wickedness and goodness are relative

When you think you are a bad person, think carefully about how others define wickedness and what is really wrong. Wickedness is free. To mistreat someone for no reason is an act of sheer meanness.

But defending someone you love by attacking someone else isn’t. If you use hurtful words, even your physical strength, to achieve this end, are you really doing something wrong? Wickedness and goodness are all relative concepts. Also, being a good person doesn’t mean not making mistakes. The nature of man being what it is, it is quite simply impossible for us to be perfect.


Images by Beth Conklin

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