The Knight And The World, An Inspiring Story

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The knight and the world, an inspiring story

Here is an inspiring story written by Pedro Pablo Sacristán that we ended up adapting. It begins, like all wonderful stories,  in a distant kingdom where a brave knight lived. He was so brave that all fairy tales begged him to save fascinating characters who needed his help.

He had only faced multi-headed monsters, angry dragons, and malevolent ogres. And he had conquered them all. This is why he was considered the bravest of all the knights that existed in the world of the imagination.

However, our valiant knight eventually grew weary of fairy tales. He already knew how to defeat all the fantastic beings and felt it was time to try something else. So he decided to get out of tales and go to the real world  to find new and more fascinating challenges. They would perhaps make go away this feeling of boredom which invaded him. And that’s how this inspiring story begins.

the knight and the world

The knight in the real world

Thanks to the spells of witches he knew by heart, the brave knight left the imaginary world and arrived in the real world. Everything he saw enchanted him. He knew from the start, however, that a very powerful threat existed in this new world. It was reflected in people’s faces and he himself was afraid to face it.

The people around him were very distressed. They were walking down the street with a very serious expression and their gaze totally faded. Moreover, they were advancing at full speed. It was obvious that fear was gnawing at them. They almost couldn’t tolerate someone approaching them and looked extremely tense. The valiant knight thought it was a good opportunity to face enemies in the real world and to write a wonderful chapter in an inspiring story.

He searched every street but saw nothing that inspired fear. Time passed and he still did not understand why these tense and dull-looking people were scared. No matter how hard he looked, he couldn’t find dragons, witches, ogres, or anything that might pose a threat to these people. Disconcerted, he decided to return to his imaginary country.

The sage of the inspiring story

An old sage whom many charming princes and knights consulted lived in fairy tales. Our hero looked for him in the enchanted forest and found him, as always, meditating by a river. He approached him without hesitation to see if he could provide an answer to his big question. Why were people in the real world so scared?

The wise old man showed himself very interested in the question of the valiant knight. However,  after thinking for a moment, he told her that he had no answer for her. The knight would have to return another day because this matter required time for reflection and meditation. They would see each other again the next day, at the same time, and the sage would give him an answer. The inspiring story was taking its course.

The knight was very punctual. The wise old man tells him that evil monsters, ogres, and witches do not exist in the real world. This is why humans had to invent enemies. However, the problem is that these enemies were internal and not external. They carried them within themselves and therefore could not escape them. These enemies were none other than lust, envy and lack of love. Even if the knight was very brave, he would not manage to defeat them: they were numerous and dangerous.

the knight and the world, an inspiring story


The return of the knight

The hero of our inspiring story was not the type to give up at the first difficulty. Despite the wise old man’s warnings, he decided to return to the real world to face these mysterious enemies who were terrorizing people. He took all his weapons, those of combat and those full of magical powers.

The valiant knight offered his noble services to everyone he met. However, he was received only with indifference and mistrust. It was as if no one wanted to make those fears go away. People didn’t want his help. Change did not interest them.

Distressed by the attitude of people in the real world, he left for a walk in a wood. He was so distracted that he did not see the large stone that stood in his way. So he stumbled and fell. As he fell, he heard peals of laughter. A child was nearby and was crying with laughter to see him fall. The knight got angry. He was ready to punish him when he noticed the sparkle in the child’s eyes.

He couldn’t stop laughing. His eyes twinkled and he didn’t seem to be afraid. And that’s when our brave knight understood. The weapon to end the fear of humans was laughter and innocence. That was the answer to his question. Since then, the knight has traveled the world trying to make people laugh and restore their innocence. End.


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