Love Comes And Goes But True Friendship Persists

Love comes and goes but true friendship persists

What happens when the couple replaces friendships? What do we really lose when we let go of our friends for a relationship? Knowing how to find time for both, friendship and love, is an important point in making a relationship fruitful.

When starting a relationship, it’s normal to have less time to share with friends. Plans with the partner are sometimes more attractive. Fruit of the state of love, we have more desire to know the other and to take advantage of these first moments. This is a new situation that requires attention, but completely letting go of the group of friends should not be an option.

A group of researchers led by Robin Dunbar did a study and revealed the fact that when we start a romantic relationship, we lose two of our five closest friends. In addition to this, it has been claimed that couples who know how to take advantage of the time they share with their friends and have individual land, exhibit greater satisfaction in their romantic relationship.

This is so because they learn to divide their time to continue to maintain what makes them happy and generates well-being in them. In this way, they transmit their emotional state to their partner and strengthen their relationship.

Love comes and goes, but true friendship is something that lasts over time. However, we must look for moments to continue to share experiences with our friends, whatever the situation. According to the studies of Robin Dunbar, choosing to share and not to dedicate 100% of our time to the partner will improve the sentimental situation. This does not mean that we should ignore our partner either. We have to look for moments to do and be with the people we love and appreciate.

Leave everything for love

This sentence is very typical and seems very romantic, but those who abandon everything for love, abandon themselves personally to enter into a “let’s be together” which does not imply a total union of two complete people, but a real symbiosis. In this way, part of the individuality is lost to form a collective whole: two incomplete beings united to fill gaps.

leave everything for love

But love is not that, love is respect for the partner and his time, his friends. Ultimately, it is respect for his life and his choice to allow us to share it, but not to live it entirely together. Trust and communication allow couples to enjoy their individual territory, regardless of the sentimental relationship, without negative consequences.

“I leave everything for love” is a selfish decision. Moreover, it implies that if at some point the relationship ends, there will be nothing left, which will make the breakup even more difficult. Continuing to dedicate time to our passions, our space and maintaining friendships allows us to live a balanced life, which we decide to share with someone. Let us not forget that.

Friendship also takes time

Maintaining friendships takes understanding, but it also takes time, just like building a romantic relationship. It is a time which cannot have the same proportion as before, but which must be sincere, of quality and dedicated with love when given. You should take advantage.


So, friendship is also a kind of love that you have to work for, pay attention to and take care of like a garden. It rests in our hands. It is our decision. We must allow and encourage these bonds not to be severed just because of the start of a relationship.

It’s hard to think that after a friend abandons us for love, they’ll come back to us later to make up for lost time or lost friendship. It’s hard because no one likes to be abandoned, although it always takes time to learn that love comes and goes but friendship will always stay there. Friendship will always be genuine.

How to live true friendships?
Our thoughts Our thoughts

Good friendships help improve all aspects of life. On the one hand, they make it possible to have a more joyful and pleasant life.

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