33 Great Quotes From Albert Einstein That Will Make You Think

33 Great Quotes From Albert Einstein That Will Make You Think About It

We all know the exceptional Albert Einstein for his works, his theories and his postulates, just like his intense life full of consciousness which has become the basis of the great story of this genius.

However, today we would like to share with you the human side of this German physicist, leaving aside his scientific side for a few moments.

I invite you to think about these 33 great quotes from Albert Einstein.

These sentences reflect the incredible wisdom of the most important scientist of the twentieth century and offer us the most beautiful of humanity and life, in all its splendor.

1. “We are all very ignorant, what happens is that we are not all ignorant of the same things. “

2. “An evening where everyone agrees is a wasted evening. “

3. “The most beautiful feeling one can experience is the sense of mystery. It is the source of all true art, of all true science. “

4. “There are two ways of looking at life: one is to believe that miracles do not exist, the other is to believe that everything is a miracle. “

5. “We are the architects of our own destiny. “

6. “Memory is the intelligence of fools. “

7. “You don’t really understand a point, unless you can explain it to your grandmother.” “

8. “Let A be a success in life. So A = x + y + z, where x = to work, y = to have fun, z = to be silent. “

9. “We mortals are immortal in this thing that we jointly create, contributing to imperishable works.  

10. “Sad times are ours! It is easier to disintegrate an atom than a prejudice. “

11. “Life is very dangerous. Not for the people who do wrong, but for the people who sit down and watch what is going on. “

12. “Science is but a refinement of everyday thought. “

nature profile

13. “Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited, the imagination encircles the world. “

14. “There is a motive force more powerful than steam, electricity and atomic energy. Willingness. “

15. “The word progress has no meaning as long as there are unhappy children. “

16. “The problem of our time is not the atomic bomb, but the human heart. “

17. “Two things are endless: the Universe and human stupidity. But, as far as the Universe is concerned, I have not yet acquired absolute certainty. “

18. “A person who has never made a mistake has never tried to innovate. “

19. “The value of the product is found in the production. “

20. “My political ideal is democratic. Everyone should be respected as a person and no one should be deified. “

21. “The joy of seeing and hearing is the most perfect gift of nature. “

22. “Man finds God behind every door that science manages to open. “

23. “Maturity begins to manifest when we feel that our concern is more for others than for ourselves. “

24. “The ideals which have always illuminated my path and which have given me courage to face life happily are kindness, beauty and truth.”

25. “I never think about the future. He comes soon enough. “


26. “Never view studies as an obligation, but rather as an opportunity to enter the beautiful and wonderful world of knowledge. “

27. “A human being is a part of a whole which we call: Universe. Part limited in time and space. He experiences himself, his thoughts and his emotions as something that is separate from the rest, a kind of optical illusion of consciousness. This illusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and the affection of a few people near us. “

28. “Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by extending our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and all of nature in its beauty. “

29. “I don’t have any special talents, but yes, I am deeply curious. “

30. “Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. “

31. “If your intention is to describe the truth, do it with simplicity and leave the elegance to the tailor. “

32. “The important thing is not to stop asking questions. “

33. “Education is what is left over when a person has forgotten everything they learned in school. “

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