The Prefrontal Cortex, One Of The Most Interesting Parts Of The Brain

The prefrontal cortex, one of the most interesting parts of the brain

The prefrontal cortex is the most sophisticated reflection of our evolution. From an evolutionary point of view, it is the last cortical region to develop, to show a complete phylogenetic and ontogenetic advance. We can easily identify it because it is that rough, wrinkled area, located in the area closest to our face, where the most complex mental and cognitive processes are contained.

One of the goals of neuropsychology is to understand this sophisticated relationship between the brain and our behavior. So, no one will be surprised to know that the prefrontal cortex is undoubtedly one of the most interesting and decisive areas for understanding our abstract thinking and even our self-awareness. It is, so to speak, that structure that makes us truly human. 

Scientists call all these sophisticated tasks performed by the prefrontal cortex “executive functions”. They decided so because of a very specific fact:  here we are faced with this privileged space of our brain where we can distinguish between good and bad, where we can assess our environment and even establish control over our own. thought.

prefrontal cortex

The prefrontal cortex, the last area of ​​the brain to develop

Some parents deplore the difficulty their adolescent child has in understanding certain things, in controlling and curbing their impulsivity, in reasoning sufficiently before acting. We lament that the development of the prefrontal cortex is not actually complete until the age of 20 or 25.

Despite the “almost” adult appearance of our adolescent boys and girls, we must not forget that their brains are still immature. It is indeed interesting to note that the human brain progresses towards maturity from the neck to the forehead and, therefore,  the prefrontal cortex is the last area to consolidate, to develop the most sophisticated and valuable abilities of our species.

This does not mean, however, that children and adolescents are not able to make decisions until they are in their twenties. They do it and, sometimes, adequately. It should be borne in mind, however, that the development of these more complex skills takes place gradually, year after year, and that the  greater the challenges, stimuli, opportunities and supports, the greater the development of these capacities. cognitive skills will be optimal.

Therefore, let’s not hesitate to be more understanding with them, given their ages. Indeed, all they need is time, patience, understanding, and good advice.

prefrontal cortex

Parts of the prefrontal cortex

The prefrontal cortex is this sophisticated and at the same time extremely complex control center that  has multiple connections with different regions of the brain. Thus, structures such as the hippocampus, the thalamus and the rest of the cerebral lobes share with it direct pathways, channels where information comes and goes almost incessantly.

Now let’s see what parts the prefrontal cortex divides into:

  • The orbitofrontal cortex, linked to our social behaviors and our decision-making
  • The dorsolateral cortex, an essential area of ​​the human being. Thanks to it we plan, we design goals, we memorize, we reflect… Neuroscientists dare to say that this is where our consciousness is located.
  • The ventromedial cortex is linked to our perception and expression of our emotions

What are the functions of the prefrontal cortex?

Scientists at the University of Missouri explained a few years ago why our prefrontal cortex is so large compared to other species we share our planet with. They indicated that this was due to a process of demographic pressure. In other words,  as the number of people in our environments grew, the way we interacted and communicated improved.

All of this social, cognitive and emotional experience gave shape to a more evolved prefrontal cortex. Now let’s see what functions this special part of our brain usually performs.

  • It coordinates and adjusts our social behavior.
  • It helps us control impulses and manage our emotions
  • It is in this area that we implement the processes related to our personality (being more shy, more daring, more open to experience …)
  • Motivation, the ability to have enough illusion and impulse to achieve a goal, is also located in the prefrontal cortex.
  • We focus attention, organize complex information and plan
  • This is also where working memory is located, these cognitive skills thanks to which we keep information when we experiment or do things.
prefrontal cortex

To conclude, given the relevance of all these functions, we can imagine what it means to suffer from a lesion in the prefrontal cortex. Thus, people who have suffered trauma, who present neuronal deterioration or developmental problems located in this area, generally show difficulties in controlling their behavior, in planning, in deciding, in creating …

They are also characterized by linear thinking and often anti-social behavior. These are very delicate and complex situations which show us, once again, the great relevance of this cortical area for human beings and their social behavior.

The orbitofrontal cortex, seat of our social behavior
Our thoughts Our thoughts

One of the most interesting areas of the brain is the orbitofrontal cortex. It is linked to our personality, our emotions and above all to our behavior …

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