Three Stories With Moral

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Three stories with moral

Some moral stories are like paintings portraying human virtues and weaknesses. We do not know who wrote them but the narratives became popular and enriched with the participation of people. So it doesn’t matter who invented them: it’s the powerful message they convey that is fundamental.

Today we offer you three stories with moral. The first speaks of a wise man who delivers a precious teaching to those who come to consult him. The second concerns two friends and refers to the meaning of friendship. Finally, the third tells us about a lion, the king of the savannah, who learns something very important during one of his hunts. Now let’s take a look at each of these stories in detail.

1. The sage, the first of the moral stories

It is said that in an ancient kingdom lived a man who was known everywhere for his great wisdom. At first, he only advised his family and close friends. However, his fame had grown so much that the ruler himself frequently called him to consult him.

Every day, many people came to receive his wise advice. The sage noticed, however, that some came every week. They always told him the same problems and listened to the same advice but never put it into practice. It had all formed a vicious circle.

One day, the sage gathered all these people who consulted him frequently. He then told them a very funny joke that made them all laugh. After that, he waited a moment and made the same joke again. He continued to tell it for three hours. Everyone was in despair. The wise man then said to them:  Why can’t you laugh at the same joke several times but are able to cry a thousand times for the same problem?”.

stories with moral

2. The two friends

The second of the moral stories tells us that  on one occasion, two great friends decided to cross the desert. They trusted each other completely and knew they couldn’t find better company. However, they started to get tired and their opinions began to diverge.

They went from disagreement to an argument and from argument to heated debate. The situation reached such a point that at one point one of the two friends hit the other. He then realized his mistake and begged her forgiveness. The one who had been hit then wrote in the sand:  “My best friend hit me”.

They continued on their way and ended up stumbling upon a strange oasis. As they approached, the ground began to move. The friend who had been hit began to sink. It was a kind of pond. His friend then did everything possible to save his life and he finally pulled him out of this place.

The friend who had been beaten and then saved wrote on a stone:  “My best friend saved my life”. The other looked at him with curiosity, and he explained to him:  “Among friends, offenses are only written to be blown away by the wind. On the other hand, favors must be engraved so as never to be forgotten ”.

3. The greedy lion

The last of the moral stories tells us about a very proud lion who was dying of hunger. He had gone several days without eating and knew that there were not many prey where he was. He understood that he  had to be patient and carefully observe the surroundings because if one prey appeared and escaped, he would not find another so easily.

stories with moral

So the lion hid behind a bush and waited quietly. Hours passed and nothing appeared. However, just as he was starting to lose hope, a hare appeared nearby. There was grass and he walked out carelessly to eat it. The lion knew that the hares were very fast: he had to launch a sudden and decisive attack. Otherwise, its prey would escape.

He waited a moment and got into an attack position. As he was about to pounce on his prey, he saw a large game animal advancing quietly a few meters from him. He salivated. Within seconds, he changed his plans and attacked the larger prey, which had had time to see him and had started running. The hare, of course, took the opportunity to escape. Here is a moral story that teaches us not to lose what we are sure we have because of something else that has seduced us. 


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