Are You Sleepy All The Time? Here Are The Causes Of This Problem And Their Solutions

Are you sleepy all the time?  Here are the causes of this problem and their solutions

Our difficulty falling asleep can be based on a number of factors, as well as the continued urge to close our eyes that some people or ourselves have at times. Thus, the feeling of being constantly very drowsy can be a symptom of an illness or the logical consequence of a lack of rest during the periods which are intended for it.

We talk about excess sleep when the need to sleep occurs outside of the hours set aside for it and, in itself, the total duration of sleep exceeds eight hours. This disorder should not be confused with fatigue or listlessness, which are often caused by lack of physical and mental activity. On the other hand, being asleep all the time can be caused by depression or by going through a period of stress.

Sleep disorders

Drowsiness can be caused by many sleep-related illnesses, also known as sleep disorders. These include hypersomnia, narcolepsy, sleep apnea, insomnia, or Kleine-Levin syndrome. Among these examples, those related to extreme sleepiness are hypersomnia, narcolepsy, and Kleine-Levin syndrome, also known as sleeping beauty syndrome.

being sleepy all the time because of insomnia


Hypersomnia is subdivided into different classes, but they all refer to the amount of sleep during the day. Hypersomnia does not prevent nighttime sleep, so those who suffer from it sleep quite well at night.

The sleep they experience tends to appear in monotonous situations where the stimulation is below a certain threshold. Examples of such situations are conferences, meetings at work or at the movies. At no time is this daytime sleep restorative, so that patients are frustrated day by day by this feeling, enjoying the feeling of being rested in a few moments.

Kleine-Levin syndrome

One type of hypersomnia, recurrent hypersomnia, is linked to Kleine-Levin syndrome, which is rare and mainly affects men. The extreme sleep episodes in this disease occur 1 to 10 times a year and last from a few days to a few weeks. These people can sleep from 16 to 18 hours.


Narcoleptic patients move exceptionally quickly from the alert phase to the REM phase, suffering from “sleep crises” in unexpected situations. These “naps” last a few hours and, although the effect is restorative, the need to sleep reappears after 2 to 3 hours. This urge is very dangerous, as they can fall asleep while walking or driving.

Symptoms prevention or relief strategies

Once the abnormal need for sleep is detected, the first thing to do is to see a specialist. On the other hand, acquiring good habits related to rest will always be beneficial to us, whether or not we suffer from a pathology. Here are some guidelines we can follow:

  • Drink lots of water:  poor hydration will make us more tired. If we really have sleeping sickness, we shouldn’t make it worse with the bad habit of not drinking water. In addition, with this habit, we will help the proper functioning of our whole body.
  • Stay away from stress:  The situations that generate stress in us affect the quality of our sleep and disrupt it. We may feel like we have slept soundly for many hours, but we have had too much light sleep.
  • Surround yourself with positive emotions:  Negative emotions influence fatigue and affect our bodies in many other ways. When we are a little depressed or in distress, we just feel like we are sleeping.
  • Create Healthy Patterns:  A good way to control your sleep is to keep a clear routine: always go to bed at the same time, avoid long naps at different times, and always sleep a healthy number of hours. Thus, our circadian rhythms will be in perfect health.
being sleepy all the time because of a lack of rest

Let us think that our sleeping habits can be modified by the different circumstances of our environment: it is not necessarily an indicator of disease. The way we sleep is constantly changing, depending on our age, our habits or our relationship with the environment. That is why, in the face of any suspicion and as a preliminary step to worry, we should consult a specialist and apply the strategies that we have mentioned (whether or not they solve the problem, in any case they will help us better. to rest).


Sleep recharges our brain
Our thoughts Our thoughts

Sleep is essential for good health: suffering from insomnia can indeed have disastrous consequences for our body.

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