All Those Little Things That Make You Happy And That You Are Not Even Aware Of

All those little things that make you happy that you are not even aware of

Happiness is something that we do not know how to define, but that we all strive for. Sometimes we fall into great discomfort because of the demands that we impose on ourselves to find happiness, to be happy no matter what.

If you ask someone how to find happiness, there is a good chance that they will answer you by telling you that happiness is on the outside, in what is vanishing, in what is beyond our control. control.

“Health, money and love; that whoever has these three elements in his life thank God ”

However, this is not so; Neither health, money, nor love brings happiness, and believing that your mood depends on these three things is a big mistake, which will ultimately make you even more unhappy.

Unfortunately, we have created a multitude of irrational beliefs for ourselves. These are demands and needs that exist only in our mind, but which are taken as absolute truths. These are unshakeable sentences that must mark our path. This is why questioning them can make us dizzy, as if we were on top of a steep cliff, and we were looking at the void that extends in front of us.

For us, these beliefs are pillars; they guide us, are part of us, and we even come to the point of defending them sometimes even if it hurts us.


We believe, wrongly, that by meeting these needs as well as these requirements, we will find happiness. On the contrary, we tell ourselves that if these expectations are not met, then we will be unhappy. And this is something that no one can do anything about, not even ourselves.

Usually these beliefs are related to the approval of others, to being successful in an important field, to money, to health, to having a stable and functioning couple, to being a mother, to being a mother. an interesting and charismatic person, etc.

In fact, there are many beliefs and each person has their own, but basically all beliefs whatever they are are related; “Work makes you dignified”, “at this rate you will end up an old maid”, “money makes happiness”, “nothing is more important than health”, etc.

Therefore, usually this is where we seek our happiness, which then leads us to set unrealistic expectations on ourselves, and to be very unhappy. In fact, studies show that sometimes, the more we provide for ourselves, the more unhappy we are.

If we always have more things and live better in greater abundance, why are we unhappy? What’s wrong ?

What is wrong is that we believe that the outside will make us happy. It is certain that getting the job of your dreams, finding a companion who loves you and who treats you well or having money can bring you some pleasure, but in fact, this pleasure is only temporary; it is pleasure, not happiness.

Who doesn’t know multi-millionaire people who have already stolen something? Didn’t they have enough? Who does not know someone who kills themselves at work when, in order to live decently, they could work half as much?


When we realize that we are not happy although having everything, we believe that the solution is to try to have even more: to work more, to try to be more beautiful, earning more money, traveling more, desperately looking for a companion… and the fall is all the more painful.

What these people don’t know is that happiness is in them, in their attitude, in the way they enjoy life, in the way their scale of values ​​works.

Happiness lies in the way we appreciate the things in life and be satisfied with what we have, whether it is a lot or a little. Some people have very little but are much happier than others who own castles and great fortunes.

There are many examples of people who had everything and ended up committing suicide after having spent a lifetime gorging on antidepressants.

If you want to be happy, start by appreciating everything around you and stopping complaining about what you lack. It’s almost impossible to be successful in getting all areas of your life complete, but that doesn’t mean you can’t be happy with what you have on your hands.


Smell the smell of coffee in the morning, hear your daughter’s laughter, dance to a beautiful song with your companion in the middle of the living room, run with your dogs behind the butterflies, watch the stars, have a good talk on the beach while the breeze caresses your face, open a bottle of wine in a hot bath… Just as many little things that make you happy! Were you aware of it?

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