How To Wake Up In A Better Mood?

How to wake up in a better mood?

During sleep we do not have control over the emotions we have, and the time to wake up coincides with the time we need to regain control over them.

Whatever the day, Monday or Sunday, what matters is the attitude with which we do it to face the first daily challenges with a good mood.

You should know that this attitude can mark us for the rest of the day, because the morning hour is also the time of the predisposition that we will have towards all the work that we have to do.

This is the most important reason and we are going to give you a series of steps to make it easier to face the start of the day, with as much enthusiasm as possible.


Steps to wake up in a better mood

Morning bad mood is difficult to resolve completely, as it is conditioned by several factors.

However, what one can do is overcome it in the best possible way by adopting good habits.

  • Awakening is the key. We all know them: those who put the alarm clock two hours before, those who put it under the pillow, those who make it repeat every 10 minutes … It’s the wake-up routine, but sometimes we forget that this alarm clock has a function.
    To use it with common sense and not get too irritated when it rings, put it away from the bed so you have to get up to turn it off.
  • Blink Enough: If you are one of those people who have trouble opening your eyes in the morning, one effective trick is to blink very often.
  • Prepare everything before bed : If you have a hard time getting up and getting everything ready in the morning puts you in a bad mood, prepare everything the night before. This will prevent you from being in a hurry and you will not have to think too much when you get up.
  • Breakfast is the most important meal of the day : you can’t leave your house without breakfast. It has been shown that when we eat breakfast in the right way, that is, with the right foods and the necessary time, our day is much more productive than if we do not have breakfast.
  • Remember how you felt the day before after a good breakfast and stimulate your sense of well-being.
    If the coffee spills, the alarm doesn’t ring, we’re late for work, or any other problem that’s spoiling our day, it’s good to remember what made us feel good a few hours earlier and focus on it so you don’t succumb to negativity.

The causes of bad mood

We know that a bad mood in the morning does not have a single cause and that it affects women as much as men.

Here are some of the most important causes of a bad morning mood:

  • Lack of sleep : sleep is a primary need, just like rest. When we do not get enough sleep, that is to say at least 7 hours a day, our body feels it and our animal state too.
    Often, this insufficient sleep is caused by too difficult working hours.
  • The innate character of a person: Some studies have used comparisons with an owl and a lark, which represent people most active in the evening and people most active in the morning.
  • To have too many worries : the more the loads of responsibilities are numerous, the more the number of worries is too. These distort the sleep cycle and often prevent necessary rest.

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