The 20 Best Yoda Quotes (Star Wars)

Yoda quotes continue to inspire us, regardless of time and place.
The 20 best quotes from Yoda (Star Wars)

Yoda’s quotes are part of our collective, cultural, philosophical, and even emotional ideology. The Grandmaster of the Jedi Order is barely 26 inches tall and yet he has been in the hearts of millions for decades. A character originally designed to be Luke Skywalker’s mentor, he has become a legend and one of Star Wars’ most iconic figures.

He fascinated us when he was over 900 years old and has now captivated us with his origins in The Mandalorian series . George Lucas says he wanted to create the typical character from classical mythology or fairy tales in which we almost immediately place great confidence. He is the figure who guides the heroes. He is the icon that inspires wisdom and balance in all generations.

His quotes, despite an unusual tendency to place verbs at the end of every sentence, are heirlooms that continue to make us smile and evoke unforgettable moments from the Star Wars saga.

Luke and Yoda

Yoda Quotes

Yoda’s story begins right after he became Padawan of Master N’Kata Del Gormo. It was then that he became a master and guide nearly two thousand apprentices. His skills as a mentor, trainer and teacher reached such a level of wisdom that he was appointed Grand Master of the Jedi Order.

He is a master of the lightsaber, uses techniques such as telekinesis, and is one of the creatures most susceptible to the power of the Force. So while no one is really sure where his race came from, we do know he has a secondary brain that allows him to see visions. Their small size doesn’t matter, as the power of the Force makes them powerful and unique creatures throughout the known galaxy.

Therefore, Yoda’s phrases are original heirlooms of wisdom worth remembering.

1. The Jedi philosophy

The Force is a metaphysical entity present throughout the Universe, an energy field that unites all living beings. It is this entity that gives power to the Jedi and illuminates them in the midst of others because their responsibility is to do good, to maintain balance… And also, to protect themselves from this darker side.

2. A war that never ends

The Great Hyperspace War, the Great Jedi Secession, the Galactic Civil War, the Sith War, the Mandalorian Wars… Conflict is a continuum in Yoda’s life, and while it shouldn’t be his job, it is, as he rightly points out, the responsibility that falls on him and the rest of the Jedi.

3. Yoda’s sentences: the right teaching

Coming into contact with the Force in any case requires putting aside a lot of the things that you grew up with and that have been instilled in you. It’s the only way to learn what’s important the right way.

Emotions such as fear, anger or rage are turbulence for the Force field and is something every Jedi must start with.

4. The temptation of evil

This is another of Yoda’s more classic phrases, which in turn is somewhat reminiscent of Nietzsche’s classic phrase: “when you look into an abyss, the abyss looks at you”. It is a way of reminding ourselves that the line between good and evil is sometimes thin.

5. The Jedi’s resolve is firm

That’s right, this phrase from Yoda is a great lesson in personal growth and courage. If we want something, if we really want to do something, it’s not worth doing things halfway, not worth trying once and then going back. If you start something, finish it.

6. The voice of experience

It is common knowledge that Master Yoda has character, is demanding and can be tough at times. After all, he has almost a century of experience behind him, so no apprentice can match him.

7. A calm mind

This is the key and goal of every Jedi: to have a calm mind, free from fear, envy and frustration. It is only when the body, mind and heart are in harmony that the power of the Force is most intense.

8. Detachment, the way of Strength

Among Yoda’s sentences, this is one of the most interesting. She speaks to us, in a way, of detachment, of this ability to allow us to sink into our own reality instead of going against it. It is putting aside the fear, the stress, the anxiety, the sadness of yesterday to allow us to be in harmony. It also involves letting go of the need to embrace the freedom of the present moment.

9. Wisdom goes beyond words

We have all met more than one person who talks too much and says nothing. Others speak little and the little they say is more damaging than a physical blow. Indeed, intelligence is not just about being able to communicate, it is about knowing what to say at all times and remembering when it is best to be silent.

10. The True Victory of the Jedi

Few of Yoda’s quotes could be more inspiring. Defeating someone is more than physical defeat and the taking of life. Real victory comes when we manage to appease the anger of our enemy.


11. The power of your intuition

You don’t have to be a Jedi to apply and benefit from these tips. After all, we too benefit from the ability to make contact with the here and now, to sharpen our senses, to awaken our intuition to feel the strength of the present moment.

12. What’s to come…

Who knows what tomorrow has in store for us? Nothing is as uncertain as the future, so you have to assume that tomorrow is full of probabilities that we cannot always control. .. Even if you are a great master of the Force.

13. Death is part of life

Few things are as difficult to accept as the end of life. Death is always a tragedy, but every Jedi knight knows that whoever leaves ends up being part of the Force … And the Force is everything.

14. The dark side of the Force is powerful

The Sith are the quintessential practitioners of the dark side of the Force. However, as one of Yoda’s best-known phrases points out, you have to be careful, because this path is actually the most tempting …

15. The importance of self-confidence

Once again, belief is power. However, we often forget that there are many times when we are not confident in our potential and our abilities and that may be why we fail over and over again.

16. The power of the mind

Beyond the lightsaber, beyond the pistolaser and spaceships, there is an entity capable of defeating any enemy: our mind.

17. What makes you great

As we pointed out at the beginning, Master Yoda is only 66 centimeters tall. However, his power and abilities are transcended through the Force.

18. Identify what you fear

Another of Yoda’s great phrases that we should always keep in mind: Fears are overcome when we identify them, when we give them a name and visibility.

19. The origin of anger

Many of our fears can be, if left unchecked, the spark that kindles the fire of anger and hatred. Let us keep in mind the advice of the grand master.

20. The importance of calm and patience

Calmness and patience are the best counselors on the journey of life. Prudence does not protect us from many dangers and the detours of the road that fate sometimes reserves for us.

In conclusion, Yoda’s sentences remain original inspirational heirlooms that it is always good to find and appreciate …

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