5 Phrases From Beethoven On Music And Life

5 phrases from Beethoven about music and life

Beethoven was one of the most important composers in the history of music. His works continue to be studied in schools and conservatories today as a clear example of what music was like in the age of Romanticism. However, although we know Beethoven a lot for his musical creation, there are some phrases of Beethoven that are worth knowing and remembering.

Many of Beethoven’s phrases unite music and life, as if both were part of the same whole. Something that brings us closer to the way Beethoven saw and felt life. Many of these phrases will surprise you, others will make you think about how we live our existence and many others will bring us closer to this musical universe in which Beethoven has become a genius.

Virtue brings happiness

This first sentence of Beethoven allows us to reflect on the importance we attach to money. Right now we keep telling our kids that ‘this career has no prospects’,’ how are you going to make a living drawing? This not only lowers motivation, but also slows down young people who have creativity, innovation and genius.

This sentence should make us think about whether having a fixed and guaranteed salary per month – if you have one – brings us happiness. If getting a regular job makes us happy or if, on the contrary, we would be more satisfied to build our own path. Do not lock up virtue under the pretext of beliefs and fears that we believe will test us.

passion by beethoven

Passion is the key

Another of Beethoven’s phrases can also be applied today so that we overcome, once and for all, the great fear we have of making mistakes. Failure, making mistakes, seems unforgivable. Think about it, shame comes over us and we want to hide from everyone.

However, what is happening with passion? It doesn’t help to play a perfect piece of music if there is no passion. Passion overcomes any stumble and any mistake. That’s what really gives life meaning, is the push and what you do. Therefore, something as important as music was to Beethoven, to do it without passion was unforgivable.

All obstacles are surmountable

How many times have we given up because we encountered an obstacle? How many times have we felt inferior to others? Sometimes we believe that we will never be able to become astronauts, models, or other types of goals that people around us consider unachievable. We become infected with their lack of faith and don’t even try to make a real attempt.

However, we forget that these people we now admire were in our place or in a much worse place. Indeed, many of them had to fight to make what they imagined one day come true, by changing and adding value to society. To achieve our goals, we have to work hard, because if there is one thing that is certain, our own inertia is not enough to achieve most of our goals.

obstacles according to beethoven

Genius is not everything

Perhaps we could link this other phrase from Beethoven to the reflection we made earlier. A person with great ability and talent does not have to do everything. For this reason, we might think that everything will come as a gift (which we talked about in the previous sentence). However, this is not the case.

A person with great abilities has to work that hard. Because it is in perseverance that success comes. What happens to students who do not listen during teaching hours? They don’t get good grades. So if they don’t study, if they procrastinate and do nothing, the outcome will be bad by default. Well with genius it is the same. If you don’t work, there will be no results.

The limits of access to art

This last of Beethoven’s phrases, the composer shows his desire to help people without receiving anything in return. An altruistic attitude by offering his talent to those who need it most. However, the money, the interest and the fear that people who take what they need will damage it. So we become selfish. We limit ourselves in all ways.

girl playing beethoven

We all know Beethoven to be a musical genius, but few knew that he left us such beautiful and wise phrases. Which of these Beethoven phrases caught your attention? Are there any that you could apply in your life? The truth is, the music has taken notes on some of life’s greatest stories.

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