Personal Integrity, A Pillar Of Self-esteem

To have good self-esteem, we need to work on certain aspects, such as personal integrity.
Personal integrity, a pillar of self-esteem

For Nathaniel Branden, renowned psychotherapist, doctor of psychology and specialist in self-esteem, the development and strengthening of it rests on 6 pillars. Last, but not the least, is personal integrity. We will talk about him in this article.

According to this prestigious specialist, to have good self-esteem, at good levels that make us happy and satisfied with ourselves, it is essential to work on the following points, in the same order as they appear:

  • Living the present consciously
  • Accept yourself totally
  • Accepting to be responsible for oneself:  it is personal responsibility
  • Paying attention to yourself or assertiveness
  • Have goals in life
  • Respect  personal integrity

To improve self-concept and indirectly self-esteem, it is necessary to be clear about personal integrity. The first step is therefore to define it from a psychological point of view.

The key to personal integrity

What is personal integrity?

If we use the definition provided by Nathaniel Branden, we will say that it is “the integration of our ideals, convictions, norms, beliefs on the one hand and our conduct on the other. When our behavior is consistent with our values, when our ideals and practices match, we have integrity. ”

So, based on this, we will say that personal integrity appears when we act in accordance with our value system. So if we believe that in life we ​​have to act one way and act the other, dissonance is likely to arise. It is an unpleasant feeling that generates a conflict with the concept of the self.

Now, if we proceed according to our desires and our values, with the principles, convictions, beliefs, ideals that are paramount to us, we will be protected from this disharmony. Our vision of “I” will be aligned with the elements listed: a union that will bring us peace.

Of course, for this union to happen, it is important to be clear about your principles, values, convictions, ideals and beliefs. We are really talking about yours, not those who were instilled in you or who were tried to impose on you. It doesn’t matter what your family, friends, colleagues, etc. tell you. It is an exercise in honesty with oneself, the result of sincere internal dialogue.

Why is this a pillar of self-esteem?

Self-esteem marks the decisions we make, affecting our health and well-being. This will condition our life at all levels: work, social, leisure, etc. Plus, it will spill over into all of these dimensions through a backbone: our attitude.

Therefore, it is essential to have a healthy level of self-esteem and, for this, in addition to working on other personal facets, the work of personal integrity is essential.  Indeed, the more our way of living with our values ​​coincides, the more the personal esteem will be good.

Personal integrity and self-love

As we conduct ourselves according to our beliefs, we will feel good about our conscience. In this mental scenario, it will be easy for our mental state to be affected, and also to recognize ourselves in what we are doing, boosting our self-esteem.

For example, when someone trusts you, orders you to do a job and you do it well, within the allotted time, without constantly postponing it and charging them the right price. This, besides giving you a good image and making you feel the satisfaction of a job well done, will make you happy with yourself because you have acted according to what you think needs to be done.

It will make you feel good and improve your self-esteem. This way, you will develop a habit that will make you live with personal integrity. Your self-esteem can then grow, since you accept yourself, appreciate and love yourself. That is why it is very useful to work on personal integrity. By taking care of one of the fundamental pillars of self-esteem.


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Our thoughts Our thoughts

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