The Pleasure Of Giving And Helping

The pleasure of giving and helping

Life is filled with thoughts, emotions, negative people … However, even if sometimes we feel tempted to let ourselves be carried away by this negativity, we must put forward all that is positive and that makes us feel good in our skin.

There are many things we can do that can make us feel good. A feeling that is unlike any other. A feeling of gratification that gives us deep happiness.

Today we’re going to tell you about one of the greatest pleasures in this world: the pleasure of giving and helping. An action that leads to a feeling of total satisfaction. How about putting it into practice a bit more?

Learn not to expect anything in return

young girl with a bird in her hand

One of the thoughts and actions that we go wrong the most is always giving and hoping to receive a reward for it. It cannot be called giving or helping, because we do not receive the same gratification as if we did it without expecting anything in return, because if you expect something, it is an exchange.

Have you ever really given or helped without expecting anything in return? Have you ever really felt that inexplicable feeling of well-being? Fostering those little things that sometimes seem insignificant to us will allow us to be much happier.

A smile at the supermarket cashier, help someone carry very heavy bags, pick up an object that has fallen on the ground and return it to its owner who is leaving without having seen it… All this, all these little ones actions that we carry out voluntarily, generate a feeling of pleasure and inexplicable well-being.

There is a saying that “he who gives the most, receives the most”. However, it is important not to want to receive any reward for it or to expect reciprocity in deeds. A selfless form of helping someone, a way to feel good about yourself and make others happy.

Help the one who really needs it

couple hugging

Often times you realize that you wanted to help someone who rejected your help, or that you helped someone but that help was not expressed. We need to be careful and see who really needs our help, and who can “do it on their own”. Because sometimes people have to go through certain difficulties in order to be stronger and learn.

There are also people who, out of pride or arrogance, do not want you to help them because they feel insulted. They think you see them as weak people and that bothers them. In the face of this, do not try hard. People who suddenly reject your help are not worth your pushing, as it could even make matters worse.

Help and give, deliberately, to people who really need it. People who may be close or totally unknown.

Giving and helping can also be a great way to make great friendships, interact with others, and meet very beautiful and valuable people.

Even if you don’t receive anything, the pleasure you get from selflessly giving and helping is second to none. Also, keep in mind that the beautiful things you give and the beautiful things you do are the things you will receive tomorrow.

Everything we do will affect our future. How can we complain that everything is wrong if in the past we have done wrong? Kindness and goodness to do good, that’s what will really bear fruit. Give a smile and you will be smiled back, act kindly and you will be surrounded by kindness.

The world still has a lot for you to discover. Things that are positive. However, for that to happen, we need to start appreciating those little gestures that sometimes we don’t value as much as we should.

You will somehow receive what you have given. Start practicing this principle even more now to feel the pleasure of giving and helping. How do you feel ? What has this changed in your life? I can assure you that it will be more positive and that you will be much happier. Do you want to try?

hands shining water

Images courtesy of Julian Callos and Paula Bonet.

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