Our Cat Friends!

Our friends the cats!

This sentence from the father of psychoanalysis tells us something that most of us already knew.

However, sometimes something that is actually not that everyday – such as spending time with our cat – can turn out to be as therapeutic as it is comforting.

Here is an example from Japan. In this country, cats are admired and completely respected, because they are the symbol of good luck.

The Japanese have become the pioneers of “ chatothèques ”, establishments where everything revolves entirely around animals, which are now present all over the world.

The Japanese were also the first to create a “cat bar”, opened in 1998 in Tawain. What purpose ? It is very simple.

Japan is a very industrialized and work-oriented country. Their working days are very intense and it is common for people to suffer from stress and other deficiencies in emotional needs.

Taking care of a kitten is a relaxing act. It regulates stress, improves cardiovascular health by calming your mind, and offers a sincere opportunity to express tenderness and let yourself be carried away by one of the most charming animals humans have ever domesticated ( or maybe the other way around, I don’t know ).

So let’s dig deeper into this feline psychology by trying to understand a little better what these animals can bring us.

Their beauty attracts you but their personality captivates you


In fact, one could write entire textbooks on feline psychology. Although the first thing that is said about them is that they are selfish and independent, this is not entirely true.

The cat will love us, respect us and defend us like his own family. These animals are possessive about their spaces, their routines and also respect their masters.

However, they know very well how to maintain a distance, so as not to suffocate us or depend completely on us.

They profit by being spoiled and almost worshiped. They seek daily caresses but sometimes reach a limit where they prefer to detach themselves to highlight their elegance and their independence.

Their bright eyes or therapeutic, calming purr may grab our attention,  but what we love most of all is their personality.

Cats meditate


We live in a world marked by sometimes unnecessary priorities, which distance us from what is really important: sunlight, tranquility, ourselves, those we love …

We surround ourselves with artifices, often insignificant problems, we accumulate things and lose sight of what really matters: life, experiences, emotions …

It is sometimes said that cats know a thing or two about yoga. They can spend long hours meditating in front of a window or next to their water bowl.

What truths do their senses perceive? What realities escape us humans?

They go from the stillness of their own world to action in just seconds. They move from the dimension of reflection to the dimension of action so quickly that they always amaze us.

And the most touching thing is that every time they do something, they do it with all of their senses, not five senses, but six.

Indeed, their intuition, and their ability to appease us when we need it most, is undoubtedly a virtue that only they possess.

It’s not just crazy people who have cats …

Who said there were only crazy people who had a hundred cats in their house? Cats are learned and serene creatures who make life more beautiful, simpler and more intense for anyone who cohabits with an animal of this personality.

They are perfect for children or the elderly. Cats are faithful companions during your quiet evenings and excellent comrades who will teach you day after day.


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