What Are The Symptoms Of A Lost Soul?

Lost soul is a condition in which a person has difficulty recognizing who they are. She doesn’t know what she feels and what she wants. We are talking about a loss that reinforces sadness and anxiety.
What are the symptoms of the lost soul?

The lost soul is one of those concepts that everyone understands, but which is not easy to define precisely. This is because of its ambiguity. First, the very idea of ​​“soul” is somewhat confusing. For religion, this is equivalent to an immaterial substance that lives in the body. In popular parlance, it refers to the inner world.

It is worth noting that the lost soul is an idea present in many myths and legends. This idea usually refers to a disembodied spirit, doomed to wander eternally as a result of unattainable loss or a feeling of guilt that does not go away. It’s more or less equivalent in psychological terms.

In addition to psychology, the concept of the lost soul appears in different fields, such as psychiatry or shamanism. In all of these areas it has similar meanings, although obviously there are differences as well. Let’s dig deeper into the subject.

Lost soul, a psychological concept.

The lost soul in psychology

The lost soul was not given a specific category, not even syndrome. However, it is one of those concepts that many psychologists use when working with models.

People with this characteristic are not exactly depressed or anxious people per se. However, a lack of connection with themselves can be appreciated. The four characteristics of lost souls would be as follows:

  • They act on the defensive. In general, these are people who have very deep fears. This leads them to erect great barriers that prevent them from knowing these fears. The problem is, they don’t know each other either, because their fears overwhelm them.
  • They have a closed mind. Lost souls often have unshakeable beliefs and ideas. In reality, their system of values ​​and beliefs is part of their defensive shield, and that is why they refuse to reassess them.
  • They repeat mistakes over and over again. These people encounter the same adverse situations over and over again. This is why they are always on the defensive.
  • They feel uprooted. It is as if they are foreign to themselves. They do not have groups of friends and do not develop a huge passion for their work or hobbies.

Shamanism and loss of soul

In shamanism, we do not speak of lost souls, but of soul loss. A similar concept, but not the same. This would be part of what is called “the disease of fear”, or simply “fear”. Psychiatry recognizes it as a cultural syndrome.

What characterizes the loss of the soul is the feeling of not being yourself or that there are parts of yourself that are hidden or lost. As a result, energy and vitality are lacking, and a strong feeling of emptiness and anxiety appears, almost always accompanied by depression and fatigue.

“Fear” is a category present in Mexican shamanism. Some of the symptoms of this disease are as follows:

  • Feeling of blockage
  • Feeling of being confused or incomplete
  • Disappointment with life
  • See yourself as a stranger
  • Addictions
  • Vital sensation of the dark night
  • Withdrawal from others and fear of coming into contact with others
  • Constant fatigue
  • Thirst for change and inability to do so
Lost soul, a state characterized by sadness and anxiety.

The encounter

No one becomes a lost soul or “loses their soul” for no reason. Sometimes we just need someone to get to know us first. This is what our mother or whoever replaces her does under normal conditions during childhood.

The point is, this doesn’t always happen. Sometimes this mother is not there or she refuses to recognize us because something is preventing her from doing so. Confusing and painful experiences can then be experienced during childhood. The circumstances are so intrusive that there is no room for this self-recognition.

There are many reasons why a person creates a wall facing the world or avoids being the way it is. In this context, sooner or later the feeling of strangeness arises and the lost soul feels that it has nowhere to go. In reality, the soul is not lost, but hidden behind defenses and deceptions.

Finding the way back to yourself is a difficult task. The most common is that this desire does not even appear. You must know, in any case, that you can take this journey and learn to be. Usually you have to ask for help, but it is possible.

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