Good And Well Educated Children = Adults With The Same Virtues

Good and well educated children = adults with the same virtues

We live in a world where war has survived, as has peace, and where there are people who do not hesitate to put the lives of others at the service of their own interests.

Death is therefore cashed for their own benefits. A world where adults participate and children learn from.

What sets children apart from adults is innocence. Both do harm, but children do it without knowing the consequences and without paying the price for their actions.

It is not the same with adults, and they are aware of the damage their behavior will cause. And yet, they still do it.

Most children are born with some predisposition to caring for others, especially caring for their families. A type of kindness, with an ongoing help mechanism is selflessness that no one has taught them.

Their parents, or guardians, have for mission to perpetuate this predisposition in them, by following a logical and natural process, as soon as they lose some of their ignorance.

Keys to Maintaining Kindness in Children

Tolerance and patience (learn and have)

One of the keys to making children grow up without frustration is patience, whereby you can show them what to do or what is expected of them at all times, to generate a sense of no imposition, but adult and mature conversation.

We have to be tolerant with them at times so that they can feel that they are in control of situations, without letting them overstep certain limits, of course.


Here are the two keys: patience and tolerance. These two values ​​must be internalized by them so that they can wave them as flags, in everyday life and with the rest of human beings.

A patient and tolerant society is an understanding and respectful society.

Thank you, please and I’m sorry

We must instill in them so that they integrate into their roots these three expressions that will make them educated and kind people: thank you, please and I’m sorry.

They must learn to give thanks, while learning that they are getting what they get because they are worthy of it, not by chance or luck.

So we teach them that practically anything can be achieved with effort and investment and that the value of what they get and receive is in them.

A good way of asking for things will differentiate them from a poorly educated child, who will tend to ask for things in a temperamental way and demand to receive what he wants. A simple “please” completely changes the meaning of what is being asked.

Knowing how to correct an error and knowing how to accept that one made a mistake, whatever the reason, will make them learn constantly, by the simple fact of assimilation.

Asking for forgiveness will make them honorable and consistent people in their actions.

Attachment as the main tool

Generating a healthy attachment is what will mark the difference between one child and another.

You have to generate family warmth, a source of consolation and for a safe environment where you can explore the world and play without being afraid of anything. Such a family shows the child that he can always count on her.

This attachment will effectively manage the careful observation of the child, during which one must remain calm: if the child falls and hurts his knees, the parent cannot panic.

He must calm him down and give him importance. This will calm him down and make him laugh in the future when he falls in the park.

mother and daughter

We must be aware of the fact that the fear does not go away when we shower them with gifts but when we transmit to them their trust in others, in the world.

If we pass on to our children that the world is a place full of dangers, we cannot be surprised that in a few years we are facing a fearful and emotionally dependent adult, especially in the face of obstacles.

This can be seen in different experiments of the precursor of attachment theory:  John Bowlby.

The education of kindness

There are many studies where we can see how children tend to help, share, and be socially healthy and generous in a natural way.

It is possible to maintain it over time, in order to remove the possibility of becoming intoxicated with the bad social representations that surround us.

To succeed in maintaining this natural inclination over time, it is enough to act with them as we expect them to be in the future and it will be the best fertilizer that we can use to cultivate in them this sensitivity to others that will not make them. never act nastily.

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