Wait For Your Soul To Reach You

Wait for your soul to reach you

We are in a hurry, too in a hurry. We walk in equilibrium on the melodies that touch stress and anxiety, these in turn feeding off  the great amount of responsibilities and pressures that put all their weight on our shoulders. Therefore, what suffocates us, time, passes without our even realizing it. All of this makes us disconnect from our “me”, from our soul. A disconnection that has negative repercussions on us.

We don’t realize we’re living with autopilot on – in a way, it has turned into  our default state. Very often we act out of inertia, without thinking too much and without enjoying the activity itself. And, in this way, we come to the conclusion that the days do not have enough hours, that the hours do not have enough minutes… And that the soul does not have enough time.

Don’t run and let your soul get to you

If you agree, before we continue our reflection on this subject, we will travel to Africa and pay attention to a story.

“Long ago, a member of an expedition ventured into the most inhospitable lands of Africa. Only his carriers accompanied him. They all had machetes to navigate their way through the dense vegetation. The man had only one goal in mind: to move quickly and at any cost.

If they found themselves in front of a river, they crossed it as fast as possible. If a hill appeared in their path, they stepped up the pace so as not to waste a minute. However, the carriers eventually came to a halt.

This member of the expedition was surprised because they had only been walking for a few hours. He therefore asked them:

– Why did you stop? Are you tired already? We haven’t come that long.

One of the bearers looked at him and replied:

– No, sir, we are not tired. But we moved too fast, and as a result our soul stayed behind us. Now we have to wait for her to find us. ”

woman in white dress

It is a beautiful African tale that reflects the danger of getting behind when we want to move too fast or when this speed becomes the main objective, if not the only one. Fixing our attention on the goal can shorten the journey time. However, this time put aside for our senses will pay the price for it when we arrive earlier.

Sometimes the fact that we hurry is just an excuse to ignore the pain that comes from our injuries. We take them out of our mind, we do not pay attention to them… But they remain very present and continue to limit us. We believe ignoring them will make them go away. This is possible in many cases, but in others the wounds will need some other type of care, such as disinfection or a stitches. Distinguishing them is an expression of emotional intelligence.

Your wounds need time to heal

We may ignore our emotional wounds, but this attitude does not prevent them from staying in our brain. In fact, we know that we drag into adulthood every trauma we experienced or anything that had a strong emotional impact in our childhood. If we don’t see it, if we don’t stop to think about what is happening to us so that we can resolve it, the wounds will not heal: they will remain open.

All the negative experiences we have leave a deep neurological mark and will continue to bleed, even if we try to ignore them. Forces, in general, have little to do with clenching your fists and continuing to move forward; instead, it’s about studying the precipice and finding the way. to build a bridge that will allow us to cross it.

We are talking here about looking the sadness in the eye to find out what it means to us, finding a way to spend the energy that emanates from negative emotions without hurting someone or giving someone  a break. anxiety so that it finds its normal beat:  this frequency which helps us and gives us breath, instead of suffocating us.

trunk full of watches

What happens to our soul when we don’t stop and try to keep moving forward as if nothing happened? Well, if the precipice is very big, our normal stride will not be enough to cross it and we will eventually fall into the void. In this way, we quickly turn difficulties that we could have solved alone before into very serious difficulties where we will need help and more time.

Let us intelligently assess our emotions. They all have a message for us. Intelligence consists in deciphering them and, for this, our attitude must give us the opportunity to do so. Otherwise, we will end up being surrounded by emotions that will make us feel like strangers to ourselves.

We get lost in this sea of ​​responsibilities which very often takes shape like this bottomless carpet under which we can hide our problems. Moving forward is important, but it is even more important not to lose what is happening during this time. The price of ignoring our soul’s pain is time. The one who escapes through the wounds that we do not close and who needs tenderness, not ignorance.

woman in the desert waiting for her soul to reach her

Images of Samantha Gross



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