How To Be More Sure Of Yourself?

How can you be more sure of yourself?

We often read sentences or texts that encourage us to be more self-confident, to gain confidence. However, texts focusing on “how” are rarer… What can be done to get there?

Theory is very important, but the practice is even more so. Indeed, it is already a good thing to understand the origin of our problems, to find out why we feel so insecure, and to understand what we need to do.

However, the tools and practical exercises that actually work are rarely explained to us.

We don’t talk much about practice because each person is different. Indeed, what will work on one person will not work on another.

We are unique, we all have different beliefs and have all been through different things that are very personal.

What should a person who lacks self-confidence do?

It is essential to work on self-esteem to strengthen it. Most of our insecurities are due to low self-esteem, an inordinate fear of falling short, of not being accepted, of being ridiculous, etc.

Most people, instead of opening their eyes and admitting that they have low self-esteem, prefer to wear a mask and lie to themselves by creating false self-esteem.

Surely you must have read thousands of tips to regain self-confidence. You have to love yourself, be flexible with yourself, bring out your strengths, have better self-esteem, have more positive thoughts, etc …

This is all very well, however a  lot of people say to themselves: I know I have to have better self-esteem, the problem is that I actually don’t think I deserve it. So how do you get there?

Discover and highlight its qualities

To change your self-image, it is not enough to repeat positive sentences to yourself all day long.

By repeating to yourself daily “I’m worth it”, or “courage you deserve it!”, Your motivation and positivity will probably increase. However, this will only be temporary.

If you really want to change, then you will also have to change the way you think.

If you lack self-confidence and play the game of listing your good qualities on one side and your faults on the other, the scales are sure to tip more towards the faults. And that’s the problem, because we are what we think of ourselves.

If you are convinced that you are not worth it, you will not be able to move forward and regain your confidence. To do this, you need to see yourself from a different point of view, much more positive, loving and realistic.

An exercise to learn to love yourself

How to appreciate each other when, in reality, we see each other in a negative way? If you don’t have a good self-image, it will be very difficult to gain more confidence in yourself.

Every human being shines in one area. Some find it out very quickly and keep evolving and showing it, while others don’t see it and keep comparing themselves to others who are said to be better than them.

A footballer has millions of fans who follow him. They admire him because he shines while playing football. However, if this athlete had not worked at this quality and had embarked on a course that was not his strong point, he would never have been able to exploit this talent and would surely not have so much confidence in him.

If you can’t find your strong point or fail to look at yourself in a positive light, you are stalling. People with low self-confidence tend to be very perfectionists and demanding of themselves.

What, for some, is considered a defect, may be a quality for others. Indeed, it all depends on the point of view you take.

We therefore suggest that you try to change your outlook and perceive one of your faults differently.

We will take the example of a shy person who thinks that their shyness is a fault and that because of it, no one will want to start a relationship with them.

This person thought that she would never find love because she was attracted to people who were rather confident and thought that none would be interested in her because of her lack of confidence in her.

Thus, she did not want to hear anything and was convinced that it was impossible. One fine day, she decided to hang out with these people she liked, even though she still believed that she would not match them.

And then she met someone who made her see it differently. What she saw as a flaw was a quality for this other person. He told her that he saw something special in shy people.

He knew that most people who are insecure have high sensitivity and tend to be kind to their other half.

Everything has a good and a bad side. So what you see as a flaw may turn into a quality if you change your outlook and adopt a positive outlook.

If you can manage to focus on the good side and exploit it, you will gain more and more confidence in yourself.

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