Self-knowledge To Embody The Best Version Of Yourself

Self-knowledge to embody the best version of yourself

We all strive to give the best of ourselves, but few of us do so and achieve true self-knowledge.

We are our own worst enemy when it comes to achieving success, or when it comes to dreaming and living the life we ​​want.

In extreme cases, some people even adopt self-destructive behaviors, such as addictions for example.

No matter how old you are, it is always very difficult to be the best version of ourselves.

Some people are self-destructing without realizing it, while others realize it but don’t know how to change.

If you’re feeling ready and determined, here are some tips to help you perform at your best.

Stop talking negatively

“I suck in love”, “I will never manage to have the body I want”, “my life is a failure”: these are three of the phrases we say to each other frequently.

By having this negative conversation with ourselves, we convince ourselves that totally irrational ideas are the truth.


This is a big problem, because it causes a form of self-sabotage as we don’t even try to do things anymore.

It is very important to learn to shut up this negative self-criticism and you must start to be aware of this.

Identify the times when these phrases appear in your mind to develop your self-knowledge.

When you notice that you are starting to sabotage yourself, think of something positive and completely change your behavior. Over time, this mental gymnastics will become easier and easier.

Stop criticizing and judging others

Have you ever noticed how easy it is to criticize others? This gives us a feeling of superiority, which however has no basis.

To embody the best possible version of yourself, you need to eliminate all negative energies in your life.

One of the first steps you need to take is to stop judging others. When you spend your time criticizing them, you hurt these people in their self-esteem, but you also damage your interpersonal relationships.

Allow yourself to know those around you without having any particular expectations, and without wanting them to be exactly the way you want them to be. We are all different, that’s what makes us so rich.

Everyone lives as they see fit, and you must do the same.

Don’t be afraid of failure

One of the things to avoid in order to be your best is being afraid of failure.

Maybe you want to accomplish something, but you are afraid to take the plunge because you can’t stand the idea of ​​making a mistake.

You then opt for an avoidance strategy, but you still have the bitter feeling that something is wrong with your life.

The most authentic people are those who know what they want and where they are going.

You must be willing to receive what life has to offer. Don’t be afraid of making mistakes, because mistakes are the best way to learn and grow.

Do what you want

This point is linked to the previous one. If you spend your life running from failure, chances are you are only doing things that are not really pleasing to you.

You will then study something that does not interest you, or you will marry someone who does not make you happy.

The best version of yourself is the one who dares to get it right. Dream and do your best to make your desires come true.


At the end of the day, you don’t have to strive to be a perfect person for others. There is no such thing, and this quest will make you deeply unhappy. If you have to please someone, it is first and foremost yourself.

Surround yourself with people who motivate you

Another way to come to be the best version of yourself is to surround yourself with people who make you the best.

When your friends and family speak positively to you and motivate you to achieve your goals, your path is easier and more rewarding.

If, on the contrary, they are not in this perspective, look for other alternatives. Don’t give up on your friends altogether, but give yourself permission to meet new people who excite you.

You can also turn to therapists, or coaches, who will help you find the motivation you need. It’s a great way to improve your self-knowledge.

Are you ready to be yourself?

As you can see, the path to yourself is not easy to take, but what is crucial in achieving happiness is your attitude.

You will know that you are ready to truly find yourself when you feel the urge to achieve your goals, without giving them trivial pretexts.

And before you get to that state of self-knowledge, you are bound to fail. However, you will rise up even stronger, and even more determined to do with your life what you want.

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