The 7 Best Development And Self Help Books

The 7 Best Self Help & Development Books

When we are working on our personal development; the best tools we can use for this are inside each of us.

But the more resources you have to use for this wonderful challenge, the better!

Today we’re going to introduce you to the 7 best personal development and help books, which will make your job easier.

The best and most recommended books on development and personal help

by Tony Robbins. For those who dream of a better life, Limitless Power shows us how to find the fantastic quality of life we ​​want and deserve.

Anthony Robbins shows us how by harnessing the power of our mind we can do, have, get and create what we want for our lives.
This book so revolutionary for the mind with more than a million copies sold, shows us step by step how to achieve emotional freedom, to be in control of your life and to have self-confidence.

by Daniel Goleman.

In his book Emotional Intelligence , Daniel Goleman presents to us the development of emotional intelligence as one of the necessary factors to be successful in our lives; both personally and professionally.

It offers and develops new information on this type of intelligence while rejecting conventional ideas about the reliability of IQ test results.

This book has been translated into more than 40 languages, and has sold 5,000,000 copies worldwide.

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by Wayne Dyer.

Wayne Dyer tells us how to avoid and escape negative thoughts, thus taking control of our life.

The book is based on the theory that everyone has a set of emotions that sometimes make us “incapable”, including feelings of guilt and worry.

Dyer helps us identify those thoughts that prevent us from moving forward, giving us a series of reasons that will make us see that these types of emotions are neither useful nor practical in our daily life.

They only bring us sadness and put us on the path to depression.
This work broke the world record with 35 million copies sold worldwide.

by Alex Rovira.

Alex Rovira shares with us a magical tale, in which  he tells us about the effort, the constancy and the capacity to never admit defeat . A great teaching, vital for our daily life.

by Robert Kiyosaky.

Kiyosaky’s work tells us how to achieve financial freedom, making it one of the key books for many financial coaches.

Reading it allows us to change our perspective on money and take a turn in our personal life.

by Jorge Bucay.

Jorge Bucay shares with us a set of tales that help us to reflect on the behavior of the human being, using many metaphors on everyday situations of life.

We leave you here a video of one of the tales that can be found in his work. 

by Viktor Frankl.

It is one of the most important books on this subject. It is based on the real experience of its author Viktor Frankl, who survived 3 years in a Nazi extermination camp while witnessing the death of his own family.

In this book, Frankl tells us how, despite difficulties and adverse circumstances, it is possible to move forward if we find meaning in our lives.

A book that has become compulsory reading in colleges and institutes around the world.

If you have had the opportunity to read some of the books cited in our article, we invite you to share your opinion on this reading and why not, on the learning achieved following this reading .

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