How To Increase BDNF, A Key Protein For Healthy Brain Cells

How to increase BDNF, a key protein for healthy brain cells

Brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) is a very powerful small protein. It stimulates the production of new brain cells. And reinforce those that already exist. More specifically, as BDNF is released, a series of genes that develop new brain cells and pathways activate. Having a high BDNF makes you learn faster. Aging more slowly. Help to remember things better…  In this article, we will see how to stimulate BDNF.

In the past, it was mistakenly believed that humans were born with a specific number of brain cells. And that they could never develop new ones. However, in the early 1980s, researchers discovered and isolated  a protein that stimulated the growth of new brain cells. It’s the brain-derived neurotrophic factor, or BDNF. However, BDNF doesn’t just cause new brain cells to grow.

Why can BDNF be low?

A low level of BDNF is linked to a wide range of diseases affecting the brain. This includes anxiety disorders, depression, obsessive-compulsive disorder, eating disorders, schizophrenia, dementia, Huntington’s disease, Alzheimer’s disease, post-traumatic stress disorder, of burnout and suicidal behavior. But it is still unclear whether BDNF is part of the cause of these disorders. Or if it is a consequence of it.

However,  it is clear that BDNF levels are negatively affected by an unhealthy lifestyle. For example, researchers have found that a diet of ultra-processed foods, especially those that combine high levels of sugar and fat, lowers BDNF.

increase the bdnf

Stress and BDNF are intimately linked.  The stress hormone, cortisol, stops the production of BDNF. This leads to the formation of fewer new brain cells. Stress is therefore harmful to BDNF levels.

It doesn’t matter what stimulus creates the stress. They all reduce the production of BDNF. Chronic daily stress, occasional acute stress, chronic stress-related insomnia and exhaustion lead to a decrease in BDNF.

Also, like many other things that change as we get older,  BDNF levels naturally decline with age.

How to increase BDNF naturally

The only way to increase BDNF is to use natural methods. Tests have been done orally and by injection, but in these cases BDNF never crossed the protective blood-brain barrier of the brain.

Currently,  the best ways to increase BDNF involve improving our lifestyle by making healthy changes in how often we exercise and how we eat. Certain foods and supplements also help increase BDNF levels. However, the best way to do this is to exercise.

Exercise to increase BDNF

Increasing BDNF levels through exercise  can make the brain more resistant to oxidative stress damage, injury and disease,  as research has shown. The link between BDNF and exercise has been known for a long time, but researchers recently found that  exercise actually activates the gene that sends a signal to create more BDNF.

On the other hand, for insomnia problems, researchers have found that  exercise may also offset some of the negative impact of sleep deprivation on BDNF levels.

All types of exercise are good for increasing BDNF, but some are better than others. Dr. John Ratey, a psychiatrist at Harvard School of Medicine and one of the world’s foremost authority figures on the connection between brain health and exercise, says  10 minutes of exercise have positive effects on the brain. Ratey believes that varying the exercise routine and performing explosive exercises helps achieve immense cognitive benefits.

Other forms of exercise that help increase BDNF are yoga, dancing, resistance training, and high-impact running.

Opting for certain activities to increase BDNF

In addition to exercising, there are  certain activities that help increase BDNF. Here they are:

  • Spend time in the open air, under the sun. Sun exposure increases BDNF, but taking a vitamin D supplement does not. It is believed that people who suffer from winter melancholy may have drops in BDNF levels.
  • Listen to music. Research has found that music affects the production of BDNF.
  • Spend time in good company. Social relationships may improve brain health by increasing BDNF levels.
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Improve your diet

The Mediterranean diet has been found to  increase BDNF levels. In fact, when comparing diets and diet plans, the Mediterranean diet is almost always the best. It is considered the healthiest way to eat.

However,  to optimize BDNF, it is important not to overeat, even when consuming healthy foods. Calorie restriction has been shown to increase BDNF. Another diet that increases it is the high fat, low carbohydrate ketogenic diet.

Either way, it’s important to know that  diets high in sugar and saturated fat lower BDNF.

You should also know that  certain foods increase BDNF. These foods are rich in compounds called flavonoids. Flavonoids are naturally produced in plants and provide many benefits. Both for health and cognitively. They do not only have an antioxidant and anti-inflammatory power: they also stimulate the production of BDNF.

Cranberry, chocolate, green tea, olive oil, spices, pepper, and turmeric are just one example of foods that increase BDNF. In addition, it has been discovered that  prebiotic foods promote its production. The most interesting are asparagus, bamboo shoots, bananas, barley, chocolate, leeks, garlic, potato peas, lentils, rush cabbage, onions and tomatoes.


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