Age Wrinkles The Skin And Lack Of Enthusiasm, The Soul

Age wrinkles the skin and lack of enthusiasm the soul

Enthusiasm is the energy that takes us to happiness, the passion to do what really motivates us and what we love.

Living fully this powerful energy supposes having an attitude full of dreams and openness to what presents itself.

In our daily life, we accommodate ourselves by adapting to the routine, creating a monotony.

This means that we only impose on ourselves comfortable motivations and not those which emanate from the most powerful energy and which form rewards which reconcile us, in one way or another, with life.

When we are children, we have this natural ability to value what we love, more than protect ourselves from what we fear. 

We explore, we amaze ourselves, we get excited naturally, through simple things.

The older we get, the more we turn off this ability, although luckily nothing is lost!

Live with enthusiasm

Living with enthusiasm is not something that comes from our way of being or that is genetically determined, on the contrary.

It is an attitude and as such it involves learning.

The patterns of behavior that we had in childhood have a great influence, an important weight in relation to the way we see the world.


Have you noticed how your parents relate to the world? It is possible that you have been able to free yourself from the way they experience their reality, but it is inevitable that they have had an impact on you.

When we become adults, we become more aware of the decisions we make to face things one way or another.

Living with enthusiasm means choosing to explore, keeping the illusion, opening up to emotions and the ability to experiment.

Do you see yourself as an enthusiastic person? If so, surely you see everyone around you in a special way, you observe the details and you stop at the little things in life, to enjoy and feel them.

End skepticism

The attitude of enthusiasm allows us to break with complaint, negativity and skepticism.

When we have a hopeful vision, we see a world full of possibilities, with more perspectives.

Inevitably, we believe that we are capable of achieving whatever we set out to do.

Believing in ourselves makes us use the resources necessary to face any adversity.

This has to do with Bandura’s theory, the theory of self-efficacy, which refers to the perception that one has on oneself to believe or not that one can achieve something.

Motivation starts from these beliefs, from the expectations we have about what we are able to achieve with our efforts.

It also means being in reality, putting our feet on the ground to contemplate several points of view and valuing the situation according to the resources at our disposal.

Learn the enthusiasm

As we said before, enthusiasm is a way of seeing life, an attitude that helps us to motivate ourselves and to face the situations that arise.

We can learn to be enthusiastic, although that can also be an integral part of our personality.


Taking all experience and learning as something that serves us to develop and grow allows us to adopt an enthusiastic attitude towards everything around us.

Enthusiasm also has a strong link with the ability to love, because it involves deepening into the beauty that is behind everything that happens to us.

The great successes that humanity has made have taken place thanks to the enthusiasm, the desires and the strength that pushes us to discover and to be surprised.

We learn from children, we learn to experience the enthusiasm and the urge to discover.

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