Captain America, Old-fashioned Values?

Do you know this famous character?
Captain America, old-fashioned values?

Captain America is a superhero who has gained great fame in recent years around the world. It first appeared in 1941, in the middle of World War II, mostly in the form of propaganda. It was created by Joe Simon and Jack Kirby, two great American comic book illustrators .

The Captain was designed as a patriotic supersoldier fighting Nazi forces. Posted at a time when thousands of young people were fighting in Europe, he quickly became the favorite hero of many.

The popularity of superheroes waned after the war period, and the comics about Captain America’s adventures were kind of sidelined. It wasn’t until 1964 that the Captain reappeared, released under the Marvel umbrella. Since then, his comics are still published regularly.

the captain america comics

In 2011, as part of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, a movie called First Avenger was released. Under the direction of Joe Johnston, Captain America was a smash hit at the box office.

Since that time, Chris Evans has appeared as Captain in every episode of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. In 2018, the character of Captain America has already been in the screenplay of seven films, including three from the Avengers series.

The bravery of the captain is undoubtedly one of his most cherished qualities. However, this character’s code of conduct is considered outdated and old-fashioned. Thus, what seemed ethically and morally appropriate in the fight against the Nazis does not seem so in the face of current global threats. But are the values ​​that Captain America represents really old-fashioned?

Steve Rogers, a good man

As fans of this series know, the Captain is a man out of his time. Captain America appears as Steve Rogers’ alter ego, after he became a supersoldier. Born in the 1920s and raised in a poor Brooklyn neighborhood, Rogers has always been a sick child. Because he spent so much time at home recovering from an illness, Steve became an art lover. Despite his quiet nature and penchant for drawing, Rogers carries courage and patriotism with him.

When he reaches the required age, Steve tries to enlist in the United States Army. However, Rogers is repeatedly rejected due to his physique.

In this way, Steve agrees to be a part of Project Rebirth. There, he is injected with a serum and exposed to radiation. After this procedure, the weak and thin Steve Rogers becomes a tall and strong man. This is when Captain America was born.

What makes Steve Rogers Captain America isn’t his physical qualities. Steve Rogers was chosen for this post because of his moral qualities. Among them is, of course, his courage, leadership ability and honesty.

The times change. And the principles?

Steve Rogers is constantly surprised and confused by technological advancements and certain social norms. At the same time, it welcomes the progress made in the areas of gender equality and racial justice.

Many people believe that the values ​​associated with good go beyond age. However, times and eras change. Thus, certain qualities which are admirable and grandiose at certain times become reproachful in others.

The virtues in the days of Homer’s heroes are not the same as those we identify in today’s heroes. So, for Captain America, how do you resolve this moral dilemma? What keeps the Captain alive?

Captain America's moral values

Captain America, a hero who endures

A lot of people go to the movies driven by the excitement of seeing the Captain in action. More and more, superhero movies are breaking new ground in the field of special effects. However, there is clearly a quality behind the immense success of Steve Rogers’ films. There is a quality in his stories that works as a balm for the conflicted world we live in. We know that at the end of every movie, good will triumph.

Captain America has his “old-fashioned” moral code based on values ​​such as honor, integrity and courage. And this moral code is exactly what the world needed in the mid-twentieth century, but what is also lacking today. The world has changed. However, not the importance of the values ​​to which Rogers attaches.

It is therefore incorrect to state that the captain’s ethics are white and black without any shade of gray. Like everyone else, Rogers ethics and morals are formed from constant decisions. If Steve Rogers is a good person, it’s because of his beliefs. Captain America is determined to do good, and that’s how he acts.


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