Five Major Traits To Analyze Personality According To Goldberg

Five major traits to analyze personality according to Goldberg

Lewis Goldberg’s theory of personality is also known as the “Big Five Model”. It comes from different studies that focused on certain personality traits to determine how to be a person. Even if we have been talking about this model since 1933, it was not structured as a theory until 1993.

The five major personality traits are identified by capital letters and are also known as “major factors”. The first is the “O” factor, that of openness to new experiences. The second is the “C”, that of responsibility. The third is the “E”, that of extroversion. The fourth is the “A”, that of friendliness. And, finally, the fifth is that of the “N”, emotional instability. These letters form the acronym “OCEAN”.

“Everyone is as God made him but becomes what he himself decides to be.”

-Miguel Servet-

Each of these traits is made up of more specific characteristics. From this model, we have developed various personality tests  that allow us to assess and measure a person’s way of being. Let’s take a closer look at the features and characteristics of this model.

Openness to experiences, one of the personality traits

Openness to experiences (“O”) refers to a person’s ability to seek out new things to experience,  to give them a place in their existence, and to creatively visualize their future. Those who have this personality are people full of imagination, who appreciate art and have cooperative relationships with others. They are also curious and prefer variation to routine.

Their opposite would be people closed to new experiences. These are characterized by all the opposite traits. This means that they prefer safe and conventional things. They find it difficult to adapt to new things and therefore prefer rigid routines. They are intended for technical activities and show little interest in abstract activities.

Liability or “C” factor

This dimension refers to the capacity for self-control and the ability to develop effective methods of action. It is related to the ability to plan, organize and execute tasks. It also has to do with the ability to obey, to be punctual, and to persist in achieving goals and goals.

People with a high factor of this type are usually organized and are seen as trustworthy and scrupulous people. If this personality trait is extreme, we find ourselves facing people who are too perfectionist, even addicted to work. They feel the need to succeed.

Extroversion, another personality trait

This is related to the ability to relate to others and enjoy the company of people. People with this personality feel good being surrounded and behave naturally when in a group. They have a real team spirit, are optimistic and enthusiastic. They are also like real fish in water when accompanied.

Their opposite would be introverts, who do best when working alone. In general, they are suspicious of others or pay more attention to themselves. They prefer small circles of friends and do not feel at all comfortable when they are in a large group.

The “A” factor: friendliness

This factor is related to the capacity for empathy. Those who have this personality are understanding, tolerant and serene with others. They show great skill when it comes to understanding the needs and feelings of their neighbor.

In front of them, we find problematic people, who like debates, arguments and seek to impose their points of view. Hostility is their mark. They can be very good at activities that require competing with other people or showing energetic attitudes.

Emotional instability or neurosis

It refers to the ability or inability of a person to face and overcome difficult situations in life. People with this personality trait are characterized by unpredictable behavior. They do not follow a line of conduct: their reactions vary without really knowing why.

In contrast, we find stable people, who always seek to be careful and moderate, even in crisis situations. These people are calm and confident in their ability to deal with difficulties and mistakes. Their state of mind is always positive, despite the vicissitudes of life.

According to this model, to establish a person’s personality, a test that assesses these five factors must be taken. The result determines points in each category and in this way the subject gets a high, medium or low score for each trait. This test is carried out in human resources departments to recruit staff; guidance counselors also use it to help students learn about their professional profile and see how it fits a certain profession. It is also used for certain clinical cases.


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