Fly Like A Butterfly And Sting Like A Bee

Fly like a butterfly and sting like a bee

Who are we and what do we want?

As social beings, we are told that it is good to define ourselves, to give our opinion, to struggle, to show our presence and that we live life to the fullest.

But how do you get there without knowing yourself? How is it possible to walk our life in a coherent and fresh way at the same time? What should we get involved in and what are the things we should let go?

Mohammed Ali said, referring to his boxing style, that he “flew like a butterfly and sting like a bee”.

This phrase did not refer only to his attitude in the ring, but in large measure to his attitude in life.


Ali believed that in his career as a boxer and in his personal life, he should adopt a synchronized and docile attitude, with rhythm but without forcing time.

According to him, he had to learn every experience of life to integrate it into his way of being, but without ever forcing himself or forcing himself to internalize something that was not clear in his reasoning or in the way he was. he had to feel it.

Contrary to what we are taught, this is not indecision, weakness of character or indifference towards others.

Rather, it is internal work, which must be done with care, dedication and time, until we can come to some truly valid conclusions for ourselves.

And then we will fly like a butterfly, observing, recording and analyzing the various situations that arise in our surroundings.

And we will sting like bees, with the point, without hurting but by affirming our indisputable mission.

How do you create a good attitude?

Flying like a butterfly and stinging like a bee is a way of life that frees us from mental pressure.

To successfully live and act in this way, just like in boxing, you have to follow a series of tips or recommendations:

Do not devote yourself to battles that will demand a lot of energy from you and in which you will not get answers. 

Although you consider that fighting for a concrete cause is right, you must ask yourself how you can be useful, revolutionary and regular to move in this direction.

If you doubt some points, it is better not to internalize this struggle because some external struggles can turn into a battle against yourself.

Walk away but stay alert in case you could be of help at any point. Remember, be a butterfly.

Choose your passions, not just your goals.

If you choose a passion in life and put all the effort into obtaining and sustaining it, the things you focus on will be seen more as a prize to be won than a sacrifice of things you must give up.

Be a butterfly, and see your goal clearly!


Your goal will be sufficient only if your passion is great and sincere.

Set short-medium-term goals but also draw big short-medium term goals. You will only be able to fuel your dreams in this way.

Go ahead and achieve your dreams. Make it like you’re a bee!

–  Do not make your passage in this world an exhibition of victimization, nor of greatness. 

Just be yourself, devoid of certain skills and talents but having other extraordinary faculties.

Take as a reference the lessons that life has given you, do not try to adopt others … and thus, you will be able to draw the real conclusions for you, without intending to impose them on others.

Define yourself as a deeply individual but empathetic being.

You will shine with your own light, and you will be a butterfly and a bee without even realizing it.

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