How To Introduce A New Partner To Your Children

How to introduce a new partner to your children

In the news, couples are more fluid than ever. The divorce rate in France is located in the upper European range with between 50 and 59 divorces per 100 marriages in 2015. These data, associated with new family realities, force us to face situations for which we are not prepared. Among these, we find in particular the fact of introducing a new partner to our children.

In fact, what should be a source of joy for all members of the family can turn out to be a difficult time. The fact of not knowing the reaction of the others can push to delay the situation as much as possible which generally generates a high level of discomfort. For that, we provide you here some keys to announce to your children that you have a new partner.

Introducing a new partner to your children: the steps to follow

Usually, a situation so delicate that it needs to be fully managed and introduced with an established plan. For this, the integration of the new person in the life of your children must be gradual, especially if the separation is still recent.

children and new partner

1. Choose carefully the person you are going to introduce to them

In the early stages of the relationship it is very easy to lose your mind for a person and believe that they are the right one or that they are a perfect partner without any flaws. However, this disproportionate perception of the first few months usually goes away with the passage of time. 

For this, if you are starting a story with a new partner, it is best to wait a bit before introducing your children. For example, you can wait between 6 and 9 months.

2. Explain to your children what is going on

Once you are sure this is a serious matter, it is time to let your children know. It may be early to introduce your partner, but first you can explain what is going on in your life.

Children, never having been in a relationship, may not understand the fact that you want to date someone different from your ex at first. For this, it is normal at first to feel a certain rejection on their part at the idea of ​​your new relationship.

However, with a little patience and taking a step back, your kids will come to terms with the fact that you are dating someone else. Once they’ve taken the plunge, it’s high time to introduce your new partner to your kids. Before that, it is of course necessary to talk about it calmly as a couple.

3. Talk to your new partner

If your children have had to strain to accept that you are dating another person, it is important that you talk to your partner about the possibility of feeling some resistance towards them when they first meet. 

It is important that he understands that the rejection of your children is not linked specifically to himself, but to the family’s past and the situation it produces. To facilitate understanding, he can try to understand them by putting himself in their shoes.

blended family, first meeting of the new partner

4. Prepare for the first meeting

The most critical point when announcing a new partner to children is when they first meet. If you have spoken with each of the people concerned beforehand , the first meeting should go smoothly, but some difficulties may still arise.

Your mission during the first meeting is to act as a middle point between the two parties. You must therefore be able to resolve all possible conflicts that may arise. Assertiveness can turn into one of the most useful tools.

5. Integrate your new partner into your life

Once your new partner and children get to know each other, the last step is to gradually schedule more meetings and more shared moments. Thus, a cordial relationship can arise between them. This is important in case your new partner is planning to settle down with you or if you want to take your relationship one step further.

As you can see, when a new partner comes into your life and you want to introduce it to your children, it is important to build a good foundation in order to build healthy relationships and thus avoid the greatest number of conflicts. possible.


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