In This House We Make Noise, We Say “sorry ” And We Hug

In this house, we make noise, we say “sorry”, we hug each other and we give ourselves new opportunities.

Because being a family means allowing the sound of life to envelop us and grant the music of our daily scores, where there is respect and, above all, sensitivity to the needs of all members.

No house can compare to another. Each family is structured according to its own and exclusive dynamics and communication codes, which do not always guarantee the happiness of all the protagonists. It’s something really complex.

I learned that before you can change the world, you have to do three tours of your home.

That’s why with me, we are all real: we make mistakes and we forgive ourselves, we are imperfect but we have fun, we hug and we make a lot of noise.

There are very large houses where, in addition to luxury, loneliness and unhappiness can coexist.

Conversely, there are small houses where the hubbub of wise and reciprocal joy reigns.

In the end, authentic wealth is precisely that: to be united and to know that what is most precious is not what we have but who we have by our side.

We invite you to think about this.

The elements that form the psychology of a house

A house is a miniature universe, a reflection of society placed under a microscope.

What happens within these four walls and in this environment is an extremely powerful association where values, behaviors and emotions impact each of the inhabitants of this family in one way or another.

Experts in environmental psychology tell us that any environment is made up of three basic and essential elements, which we also see in any home.

  • Material factors are those physical elements that give a home something that is very important to Feng Shui.
    According to this philosophical and aesthetic approach, the harmonious arrangement of space has a determined influence on people’s emotions. This is something that we have all noticed one day.
  • Personal factors, on the other hand, are determined by the interactions of the people who inhabit that space, their habits and the way they relate to one another.
  • Mental factors are undoubtedly the most important processes in family dynamics.
    This is where the paradigms, beliefs, values, personality style and specific conditioning that form each member of the same family are played out.

A house is therefore a closed space where all the tenants spread their invisible wings of influence in their particular nests where the most absolute well-being can reign on the one hand and, on the other hand, the most complex misfortune in function of these mental processes.

Here we want to explain to you how the most worthy and enriching homes are built, those who have their own music and where, despite very high notes and others very low on their scores of life, the song is still very beautiful.

A household that is wise in emotions

According to an interesting study found in the book “Emotional Contagion” by Elaine Hatfield, a home is not only the place where emotions are transmitted the most, but where our emotional awareness allows us to grow as family, nourishing our needs, extinguishing our fears and creating an exceptional harmony where no one is too much, where everyone is indispensable.

We know that it is not easy to build a home, because a house is not just walls and a roof, a house is like a quilt in quilt, delicate and handcrafted, where every fall of fabric is unique and where, all together, they create a wonderful fabric.

Now let’s see what are the characteristics that define these emotional homes.

Characteristics of the rewarding family

The emotionally wise and enriching family knows, above all, that the important thing is not always to be together.

There are no unconscious or conscious pressures which control each member so that it occupies its place in the “nest”, in this asphyxiating bubble where development and freedoms are prevented.

  • In the wise house, it is not important to always be together because the main thing is to be united. 
  • The fulfilling family conveys positive emotions in looks that are listened to and understood. There is no such thing as a blackmail virus for anything and everything, a tyranny of “because I say it” or of “ if you do that, then you don’t love me”.
  • In the smart and happy home, there is the light of open windows, empathetic hearts and voices accustomed to making noise, to expressing themselves freely, with authenticity, without fear or barriers.
  • In a healthy home, we accept differences. There are no penalties for different views. Everyone has their personal spaces to flourish in dignity and common spaces to share this dignified and happy bond of the family who adores themselves and who love to share time together.

A house is where our favorite people live, those we call “family” because they have been able to create a home from the heart, through the purest and noblest emotions.

Ultimately, these are the people with whom we continue to laugh every day, they are the ones who ease our tears and they are the ones who give our life its full value.

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